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    Dan_69GTX , Jul 24, 2019
  2. NIsaacs

    Thanks Dan, that was a good write up. Are you still using the fan and aftermarket fan clutch? I tried 2 Hayden's with no luck at all, so I am back to oem.

    Changed out the coolant/flushed the system and flushed out the heater core with some toilet bowl cleaner:D Added some Red Line Water Wetter, they claim it is the "cats meow":) Gary, any updates on your VP coolant additive? I even removed the overflow bottle and gave it a good cleaning.

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    NIsaacs , Jul 24, 2019

    I sold the truck when I got the new one, so no, I'm not still using it.

    Regarding fan clutch - I just think it is a crap shoot to see if you get one that might actually work for any length of time.
    Dan_69GTX , Jul 24, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.

    Today is the first day of towing since I added it. However, we are having a cold snap here, temps never got to 90, so not much of a test so far.
    GAmes , Jul 24, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.
  5. NIsaacs

    NIsaacs , Jul 29, 2019
    DavidC and TFucili like this.
  6. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    Tekonsha is quality but IMHO the P2 is a POS.
    Cummins12V98 , Jul 30, 2019
  7. NIsaacs

    What's wrong with it? I have never had one but it seemed to be a quality controller out of the 5 choices of Tekonsha proportional models. It is somewhat sophisticated/complicated to adjust, trying to balance the boost level with the gain. You do have to read the instructions or you wont understand all the features. I haven't hauled a load yet, just using the empty trailer to test/set it up.
    NIsaacs , Jul 31, 2019
  8. DavidC

    From what I understand or read the most recommendations for was the P3. Just my $.02.
    DavidC , Jul 31, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.

    I have quite a few towing miles on my P2. I don't have any complaints.
    GAmes , Jul 31, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.
  10. NIsaacs

    From reading the specs it appears the P2 mechanicals are the same as the P3. The only difference is more money and more of a custom display. There are so many controllers it is hard to pick and choose. I have had my share of junky ones....
    NIsaacs , Jul 31, 2019
    Dan_69GTX, DavidC and TFucili like this.
  11. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    If you like to change the boost in slow driving so you don't go thru the windshield of hit the brakes on the freeway with nothing there then have to up the boost have at it.

    P3 is a big improvement. Buying new stick to P3.
    Cummins12V98 , Jul 31, 2019
  12. NIsaacs

    Your explanation/teaching skills, suck:D
    NIsaacs , Jul 31, 2019
    DavidC and TFucili like this.
  13. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    Probably so, If you can return the P2 and get the P3 you will thank me.
    Cummins12V98 , Aug 1, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.
  14. NIsaacs

    I don't return merchandise unless it is defective. If it turns out I purchased the wrong unit, that is on me. Per E-Trailers site, there are 1822 reviews on the P2 with a 4.9 rating out of a five. I did notice several negatives on the P3 with the up-down buttons sticking. A few negatives on the P2 for not having auto dim on the LED. That has been fixed for 2019.
    NIsaacs , Aug 1, 2019
    Michaelsloft likes this.
  15. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    Just remember to up the boost before getting back on the highway. Not a good feeling to hit em hard and not much there.
    Cummins12V98 , Aug 1, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.
  16. NIsaacs

    How am I supposed to remember that? I can't remember to change from empty to loaded and back:) I am anxious to haul a load, I like it empty, so far. The old style swinging pendulum inertia controllers were junk, this one actually appears to work proportionally as advertized. Smooth as silk so far. Time will tell.
    NIsaacs , Aug 2, 2019
    DavidC and TFucili like this.
  17. DavidC

    Lot's of sticky notes plastered everywhere, they are becoming one of my must haves :D. Let us know how it works out with a load.
    DavidC , Aug 2, 2019
    NIsaacs and TFucili like this.
  18. GAmes TDR MEMBER

    Nick, I don't mess with the boost number at all while driving. If it is a light trailer I set it on 0 or 1. The heavier the trailer the higher the boost number. I seldom touch the voltage wheel at all. If it locks up the trailer wheels I decrease it a little, usually the boost number.
    GAmes , Aug 2, 2019
    NIsaacs and TFucili like this.
  19. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    I do wish you the best of luck. I'm just reporting my experience. I also have a P3, nothing compared to MaxBrake but light years ahead of the P2 IMHO.
    Cummins12V98 , Aug 2, 2019
    NIsaacs likes this.
  20. NIsaacs

    Thanks Gary. It is rare for me to mess with the controller while moving. If I forget or it is not quite right I will stop somewhere. Currently have it on 8.5, full on manual, boost one. With a normal stop, I get about 4.5 volts gain with the brake pedal. Again, this is an empty trailer, but it is heavy, 6500#. I am hoping, once I get it dialed in, I can leave the gain alone and just change boost levels, from loaded to empty. I realize if I change trailers I will need to adjust something.
    NIsaacs , Aug 2, 2019
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