1. RobertP

    i feel like i may have to return my truck to stock before i get into trouble :-laf Oo.

    maybe not :D
    RobertP , Jun 13, 2006
  2. Diesel Power

    hey wes when are coming down? in 4 weeks we are going to do a open house, robert will pick you up if fuel is costing you to much :-laf
    Diesel Power , Jun 14, 2006
  3. SHughes

    Open House?? I've been looking of a reason to come down that way.

    Please keep us posted on this. Is there a website or anything I have missed where we can get info?

    My work schedule requires me to make plans well in advance, yes even for weekends.
    SHughes , Jun 15, 2006
  4. Diesel Power

    if the shop is finished in time i will give a few weeks notice, we would love to have you :cool:
    Diesel Power , Jun 15, 2006
  5. Diesel Power

    someone with a black 2nd gen gave me the biggest brake check this morning, then tried to race me :--) i could not belive it--i almost hit him, some people are just stupid.
    Diesel Power , Jun 15, 2006
  6. JApol

    Anyone going to MIR tommarow (friday) night?
    JApol , Jun 15, 2006
  7. Diesel Power

    the budds creek pro national is going on next door, dont think they are running?
    Diesel Power , Jun 16, 2006
  8. JApol

    JApol , Jun 16, 2006
  9. Diesel Power

    my truck is going to be on display for the pro national on sunday so im not going to the track this weekend, next weekend will be cool! let me know and we'll get some tdr boys down to race to!!
    Diesel Power , Jun 16, 2006
  10. WDimig

    yea ill ride down with robert to see your shop, gotta see that truck of yours too..... Oo.

    WDimig , Jun 16, 2006
  11. Diesel Power

    cool, he will be down saturday, i'll let you drive it too :--) Oo.
    Diesel Power , Jun 16, 2006
  12. broncojohn

    Robert P, was that by chance you I saw go past Royal Farms in Dayton, heading towards Rt 32? Were you by chance toying with a 6. 0 with a four wheeler in the bed of their truck? I know it was you just wondering if you messed with the 6. 0 boy some.
    broncojohn , Jun 24, 2006
  13. RobertP

    yup sure was that poor boy didn't know what hit him. ha had gauges and alittle smoke. by just not enough. maybe when he grows up he will get a real truck. Oo.
    RobertP , Jun 24, 2006
  14. broncojohn

    sounds good, i knew it was you just making sure. dont know of to many other black 5500's 6spds around in howard county. well good to hear your gave the 6. 0 feller the run of his life. :-laf
    broncojohn , Jun 25, 2006
  15. Diesel Power

    robert had lots of fun this weekend learning how to build boost off the line and smoke the tires off his truck :-laf , me? well i blew up a transmission and roasted some injectors #@$%!
    Diesel Power , Jun 25, 2006
  16. j-miller

    I was haulin' ***..... oops, truckin' down I-495 around D. C. about 6:00am and saw a second gener creeping up behind me. It had curved stacks and the rectangular style hadley air horns on the roof and that's all I got to see. He got off at the rt. 4 exit. Anybody's truck?

    j-miller , Jun 28, 2006
  17. Diesel Power

    anyone going to mir for the import nationals? if i get my truck done in time i will be there to thrash some imports on sunday :-laf
    Diesel Power , Jul 13, 2006
  18. Bandit1

    wade, when are you going to run at mason dixon. i need to make sure i am going to be off of work.
    Bandit1 , Jul 14, 2006
  19. Diesel Power

    well i just found out that i will not have some parts i need for this weekend, but they will be here on monday, so next weekend or the next for sure---i promise :-laf hey what is the schedule for mason dixon?
    Diesel Power , Jul 14, 2006
  20. Rams-n-Hogs

    Rams-n-Hogs , Jul 14, 2006

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