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  1. Dave M

    D-Day for Turbo

    Well fellow diesel maniacs... . todays the day I need to decide... . ahem. . convince the wife... I REALLY. . REALLY. . REALLY. . REALLY. . need this turbo/housing. Sorry for SHOUTING guys... I got carried away... Its too good a deal to pass.

    Wait a minitue... . I need a plan :rolleyes:

    Yeah! Wayne... get your wife to talk to my wife and... and... and... . Nah... that won't work. . they'll just keep talking and nothing will get done. :{

    Ok! Ok! Last chance guys to help me out and convince me (really my wife) why I need this turbo. They don't come in pink :cool: do they?

    This is my last day for this decision, since I told the seller I'd tell him today :eek:! And my wife is in a bad mood! I already gave her flowers, candy etc... this week and my time is up.

    Well, it's either my wife or my truck... just kidding :-laf ... . got carried away there for a minute... Hmmmmm. Come to my rescue TDR guru's! HELP HELP HElP. Sorry for SHOUTING again. Lets see... . dinner and a movie... I'll take her to a chick flick tonight and then dinner and then show her this thread giving all the great reasons I should get this turbo... . Wait a minute Its just . . BECAUSE I NEED MORE POWER! ARRGH. . ARRRGH. . ARRGH! Geez... ... Why don't women just understand that :{ .

    I'll be here waiting to accept your wisdom Oo. . Thanks all :-laf ,

    Edit: Let me re-state the question: Is the HX40/35 hybrid turbo a good choice for my setup and what benefits will I get, especially. . will it help control my EGT's when I add #10 & 3K GSK? Wait that was at least 2 questions... Oh well :p

    This thread is dedicated to all you guys with wifes... and if you don't have a wife... quit :-lafing at us... your day may come.

    Get your fingers typing,

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2005
    Dave M , Mar 4, 2005
  2. JPundt


    Go with bd super b I got it and I love it I have 370's, 10 plate, and a built pump it's waste gated at 40 psi and keeps the egt's down it comes with a 4" down pipe. Not to mention it sounds like a f-16 inside and outside the cab :D
    JPundt , Mar 4, 2005
  3. Dave M

    I looked up the BD Super B turbo and it looks like a good turbo :D ... If I had more money :{ ... This HX40/35 is way cheaper ;) . Good to see your controlling the EGT's. Some day I may come across a good deal on one. I've read about others who are happy with BD turbos... but not for me right now. Good to see a fellow 97'er with the setup I may go to. I lke the 370's... . OOOH YEAH! :-laf . . some day.

    I like the F-16 sound :eek: ... . worth getting that turbo just for that Oo. !

    Thanks for the info,

    Dave M , Mar 5, 2005
  4. WaynesWorld TDR MEMBER

    Dave M,

    You can put down on paper the cost of a new turbo---- ;)

    Compare it to the used [ but carefully inspected for shaft movement]---- :D

    Throw in the cost saved by not having to buy the 16 cm manifold [$150]---

    The knowledge that it can be resold, if you need a bigger one--- Oo.

    Conclusion----money saved------- :rolleyes:

    When you save $ on the fuel plate [ grind your own ]---- :p

    You can get more fuel------postpone injectors for a while---:-laf

    You could then tell her she can get that new outfit or house decoration that she agonized over.

    Tell her how much easier you will be able to blend with traffic. -- :eek:

    And finally, how much prettier she looks driving your truck!!!!!!!

    Remember its your hobby,

    Good luck,

    WaynesWorld , Mar 5, 2005
  5. Dave M

    Stupid is as Stupid does

    Well guys... I feel really stupid! I thought I was getting a "Too-Good-To-Be-True" deal on the HX40/35 turbo and housing and it was... . "Too-Good-To-Be-True" that is. I thought I was getting a turbo and housing for the price of a turbo. It ended up a housing minus the turbo for the cost of the housing. It was all a misunderstanding on my part and now I feel like :{ ing.

    So... . All that dinner and movie and chocolate and flowers to butter up my wife for nothing... down the tubes:rolleyes:! But look on the bright side... ... wait!... . what is the bright side?... . Help me out here Wayne :confused:. Well... . look at the money I saved that could go into injectors or something!... . Right?

    Now... Lets see!... . Hmmmmmm. I need to get more chocolate, candy, flowers. . another movie... . Geez it never ends does it?

    Well thanks all for the help... . and I think I really need help... . I'll go take my medication now :-laf .

    Bombs away Oo. :D !

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
    Dave M , Mar 7, 2005
  6. WaynesWorld TDR MEMBER


    Nothing lost during the testing waters to buy something. :rolleyes:

    Put down the meds!!!! :p

    Pick up the wrench & lets play!!!! :cool:

    look over the choices we now have. --------- Oo.

    I think you should reward yourself for good thinking, besides the wife care & feeding.

    Its time for 3,000 gov & afc springs. $125 & $35 from almost anywhere. :)

    We can save a $bundle$ by grinding your own plate or you can buy one. :(

    A man of your vast experience can do it in a couple of hours. I did.

    This should get you to the 300 plus hp range. Does that help heal the wounds??? :--)

    Plus, now you know the lovely lady is able to be bought!!!!!!

    I'm waiting for the next item to install.

    WaynesWorld , Mar 7, 2005
  7. Heepdriver

    If its cheap do it, I would go for the wastegate though.
    Heepdriver , Mar 7, 2005
  8. Dave M

    Ok First... ... .

    Right... Right... I had the turbo thing figured out... Man I was COOOOKING on that part... . I'm just not too good with numbers :rolleyes: . Ok!. . I got it..... I should stay away from the meds :p ... that should help with that! Wait I should reward myself! But How?... YEAH a new TURBO!..... Wait!... I need to rethink that. I did feed and take care of the wife... ... Thats good! And I did pretend to listen to her... . I mean I talked to her... . Thats a good thing?... I think?

    Ok. . Next.....

    Well!... . I'm ahead of you here... I got the 3K... just waiting to check timing and adj valves and first the BOOST leak needs fixed. Looking for a good baseline before I start them BOMBs. I'm thinking NOW! The 3K kit is... . IN THE BAG BUDDY... ALLLL RIGHT!... . UhHuh... UhHuh... UHhuh :cool: ! Lets see the AFC kit is cheap so I'll wait for another BOMBing item to get free shipping... OK this is WORKING NOW! Can use the money saved on shipping for INJECTORS or something..... YEAH!

    Ok!. . OK!... . Got this one covered to... . The #10 is waiting to be installed as we speak..... err... . Type. I'm on a roll now ;)

    YEAH!... 300HP... ARRR... . ARRRR... ... ARRR. Wait a minute!. . 300 plus... I want MORE than 300... . ALL... RIGHT :D ! That will come later.

    Geez... I never thought of it that way? Just think of the possibilities..... 370 Injectors for a new outfit..... Hmmmmm... . Twins for a weekend in Monterey... . ALLL Right! Now that finally brings us to... .....

    The possibilities are endless! :-laf
    Dave M , Mar 7, 2005
  9. Dave M

    New Wastegate!

    Yeah! I believe you are right on that. A bigger wastegate housing should help with EGT's. I figured on going with a 14 cm when I find one cheap. No hurry now cause the one I looked at is not cheap enought for me... . so I can wait.

    As I understand it, if I went with a 16 cm I would need to change the exhaust manifold :confused: ?

    Dave M , Mar 7, 2005
  10. WaynesWorld TDR MEMBER

    Dave M,

    El wrongo, dave my good man----- :p

    I had a 16 on my stock turbo. It bolted right up to the exhaust just fine. Plus, I went no wastegate. It worked for the 350 hp mark last year. Oo.

    Are we going to see you in Disney land like the rest of the World Champions????? :cool:

    A romantic cruise in the ocean ? :D

    For a set of TWINS :--)

    That gives me an IDEA------

    We are going to Vegas in a couple of weeks-----

    How far is it to PEIRS????? :rolleyes:

    WaynesWorld , Mar 8, 2005
  11. Dave M

    Aha!... . Good to know it will bolt up :) . I don't get why some exhaust housings have no wastegate? :confused: Why would you not want a wastegate? Does it keep the turbo from dumping fuel? Then what limits the boost pressure and if it exceeds 35 psi isn't the HX35 damaged? :eek:

    If I get rich!... then I can afford disneyland with 8 kids in tow :--)

    And now you know why I don't have any money! :{

    The romantic cruise... . Hmmmm..... should get me a new Dodge truck don't ya think... . or a lot of BOMBs for my truck..... like a new 6spd... installed..... Twins... . a 4 in lift..... makes my mind reel Oo. !

    I like your style... MY MAIN MAN... YEAH! Piers is like on the way... I think... . you know... . women are always saying we get lost... sooooo... . You end up at Piers and first drop the wife off at a mall to get her out of the way while..... you have a man to truck talk with Piers!..... OooYa! :-laf

    Get plenty of flowers and chocolate and beg for forgiveness later!

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2005
    Dave M , Mar 8, 2005
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