1. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Same here, read it slow to make it last......:D
    mwilson , Jan 5, 2019
    jgillott and TFucili like this.
  2. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    We used to get 2 local papers, the Greensburg Tribune Review and the Connellsville Daily Courier. The Tribune quit printing and delivering a paper to our area but is still available online. I really miss their Sunday paper.

    The Daily Courier is a 6 day paper, Monday through Saturday and they still deliver. However, it really has very little content. A couple of local articles, local obituaries, and a few ads.

    I really miss reading an actual paper. I have actually considered subscribing to USA Today just to have something to read with content when I get home from work.
    jgillott , Jan 5, 2019
  3. Wayne M.

    My local paper is garbage- was once great. I might pick up a NY Post or a Wall St Journal on occasion. Work blocks the Internet- only an intranet.
    Usually I’ll put on local 5pm news. On the net I’ll look at Drudge. I have a conservative feed on my instagram.
    Wayne M. , Jan 5, 2019
  4. Wayne M.

    Example of politics on my insta feed.

    upload_2019-1-5_19-44-49.jpeg #ad
    Wayne M. , Jan 5, 2019
    TFucili likes this.
  5. DavidC

    When I turn on the local news here in the Phoenix area there are always shootings, rapes,robberies etc. That is every day and just gets disgusting. Phoenix area is not what it use to be for sure and any outsider would find this to be a dangerous place and be right.
    DavidC , Jan 5, 2019
    TFucili likes this.
  6. Bill Lins

    May I suggest Closed Captioning? It works wonders for us.
    Bill Lins , Jan 6, 2019
    DavidC and jgillott like this.
  7. Bill Lins

    Ours comes out on Wednesday & Saturday. Most important news in it is the obituaries.
    Bill Lins , Jan 6, 2019
    TFucili likes this.
  8. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    Believe it or not, we have tried it. My father gets frustrated trying to keep up with it.
    jgillott , Jan 6, 2019
  9. MarkEagleUSA TDR MEMBER

    Wireless headphones...
    MarkEagleUSA , Jan 6, 2019
    Bill Lins and DavidC like this.
  10. Jim W TDR MEMBER

    Hey for all of you why don't you move to IL and watch the news here. This will make your day even better with the news we have such as; another shooting victim or someone beaten up and robbed on the CTA. The Mayor was very proud of the fact that the city of Chicago had only 561 homicides vs over 660 homicides the year before. By the way the state of IL and Chicago have some of the toughest gun laws in the US. So, why so many?

    Than we have the wonderful and very honest democrat politicians that run this state. Oh by the way the politicians are crying and can't figure out why 45,000 citizens of IL left this state last year!
    Jim W , Jan 7, 2019
  11. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    A few more non-political items...impressive stuff..

    mwilson , Jan 17, 2019
  12. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    mwilson , Jan 17, 2019
  13. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    mwilson , Jan 17, 2019
  14. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    mwilson , Jan 17, 2019
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