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  1. Cummins2014

    No Prius, sorry to disappoint.

    I don't think this thread is anything about 5 mph over, nice try. Your explanation for wanting a radar may be valid , but get real, we both know what the intent is for most wanting a radar detector. Getting pulled over on an interstate for 5 over, you have a better chance at the lottery :rolleyes: I have called this pretty much what it is , and a few are having heartburn about being called out ,you included.
    Cummins2014 , Oct 31, 2017
  2. MRoberts

    Well actually I was pulled over for five over and I have yet to win the once again you are wrong.

    My only heartburn comes from know it all, left lane parking knuckleheads, you included.
    MRoberts , Oct 31, 2017
  3. Cummins2014

    Did you get a ticket , you better get out there ,and buy some lottery tickets, don't want to miss your chance. :D

    Know it all left lane parking knuckleheads, Oh! ,and Prius owner. Once again YOU are wrong. Most of my driving on the interstates is towing a fifth wheel, with a RAM truck , you know Cummins2014. 65 MPH in the right lane, sometimes the middle to allow traffic merging.

    You don't want me to do much different ,after all a 38' fifth wheel weighing several tons. So I usually get to see it all, guys with their radar detectors cutting me off is one ,regardless of what lane I am in. Its rare for me to even be in the left lane , only to go around a semi going less then 65.

    So its easy for me to be critical of what I believe YOU referred to as a knucklehead, I am far from it, I'm just trying to survive YOU knuckleheads that find it necessary to break the law, and put the rest that do want to obey the laws in danger. You should know this as well as anyone if you are commuting as you say, that or you are completely blind. Its crazy on our freeways, to deny that, and condone speeding is beyond me.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
    Cummins2014 , Oct 31, 2017
  4. MRoberts

    and once again, Cummins2014, hops on his trusty high horse and rides off into the sunset.

    Gawd, if we could all be as awesome as you.
    MRoberts , Nov 2, 2017
  5. jhenderson

    I sure don't know it all, but I just watched my local news. The report was on our DOT demanding local police who took grant money for traffic control to stop an average of 5 vehicles per officer, PER HOUR. no warnings allowed! Seeing as quotas are illegal DOT has been forced to reword their instructions. No doubt the demand is the same, just reworded. No ticket for 5 over huh?
    jhenderson , Nov 2, 2017
  6. Cummins2014

    Works for me ,5 over you get a ticket. 5 over is that not over the posted speed limit . It may seem petty , but the speed limit is posted.

    Seriously you guys , you don’t seem to get it here , there’s a speed limit , you go over you are breaking the law, seems to be hard to understand , it’s really pretty simple.

    You are are never going to convince me it’s okay to speed and break the law , or buying devices to beat the system .

    You guys seem to want to argue that somehow breaking the law is okay. It’s not and you know it .
    Cummins2014 , Nov 3, 2017
  7. Cummins2014

    Really, that’s the best you got. Well it probably is . Not much you can argue about if you want to break the law. I see that keeps escaping you for some reason. You can just keep beating that dead horse , Oh! Sorry high horse
    Cummins2014 , Nov 3, 2017
  8. MRoberts

    LMAO! Glad you got it all figured out Festus. Happy trails!
    MRoberts , Nov 3, 2017
  9. jhenderson

    That's quite a change of tune! First it was no ones getting ticketed for 5 over, now we deserve it. What you don't get is the fact that it's not about safety. It's about revenue. My local 2 lane was posted at 50 mph when I was growing up. It's been rebuilt, straightened, widened, and the shoulders cleared and flattened twice in the last 30 years. It's 3 times safer than it was. Now it's posted at 45. That's supposed to be except at the local boat ramp area. That's supposed to be 35. It is in one direction. In the other, some illiterate mixed up the signage. It's posted 35 2 miles before the lake, and 45 at the lake. Been that way for 4 years now. Think it's about safety? You have no idea how many Ct. drivers pay the fine every day. its nothing but a tax.
    jhenderson , Nov 3, 2017
  10. RVTRKN

    In Comifornia, I was doing 70mph towing boat in sig, when it was 55mph for all vehicles before the law was reversed some time back, the CHP went by without even blinking. Of coarse this was in the open desert, as most drive 80-85, unless a simi is passing another simi wanting to go 2mph faster. Its amazing how many cars get backed up during these maneuvers. I'm now commuting between Las Vegas and SoCal most weekends, in my 2016 Tacoma at 3 in the morning, which is why this thread caught my attention. Even at 80-85, I still have to move over for even faster cars. Most officers/helicopters are looking for the 100+mph in the open desert. I'm going to look into detectors, but I don't think its necessary for my kind of driving, where I drive.
    RVTRKN , Nov 3, 2017
  11. MarkEagleUSA TDR MEMBER

    Not sure about other states but here in CT ticket revenue does NOT go to the department writing the ticket (including the state police). All ticket fines are paid to and kept by the State of Connecticut. I believe there are quotas, etc, that correlate to monies received back from the state by the municipality in the state's yearly budget.

    When I was driving a wrecker, the cops hated writing general traffic tickets because of all the paperwork involved with no net gain to the town.

    Bottom line, though, is 5 mph over the posted limit IS against the law. My daughter was hit head on by a 16 yr old new driver that had a car full of kids at 10 pm. The police cleared my daughter of any liability as to the cause of the accident because the other girl was clearly at fault (crossed completely over the double yellow line). However, my insurance company decided to pay out almost $500k simple because my daughter's statement to the police indicated she was travelling 7 mph over the posted limit. The insurance clowns told me they'd lose on that single fact if a lawsuit ever went to trial. Laws are broken everyday, myself included. Doesn't make it right.
    MarkEagleUSA , Nov 3, 2017
  12. Cummins2014

    I think every state has some crazy speed limits. We have a residential area for whatever reasons was 35 when most are 25, then they raised it to 40. Then we had a frontage road that was 50, then lowered to 40. Neither made any sense, but neither looked to be a source of revenue. You hardly ever see a patrolman setup with radar.

    How fast do you need to go on that stretch of road you mention. A whole 2 miles limited to 35, and the rest 45, just how many miles is this 45 now instead of 50. I don't see your point, safety or not. Its a posted speed limit, don't like it, go to whoever regulates to see if you can get it changed. Tell them that you have decided its three times more safe to travel whatever speed you think it should be.

    Its not a change of tune, but really 5 over, its pretty doubtful. I think you know that. If they do so be it. I don't have a problem with it. Speeding is speeding.

    Was there a day when I was always looking over my shoulder or whatever for a patrolman, sure there was . I have found its a lot more pleasurable drive obeying the traffic laws, if I happen to be 5 over, and get a ticket, who should I blame for that, the state for only having it 70 or 80 instead of 75 or 85. Shame on them .
    Cummins2014 , Nov 3, 2017
  13. Cummins2014

    Did you get a ticket for 5 over, and if so what did you have to pay for 5 over.
    Cummins2014 , Nov 3, 2017
  14. jhenderson

    Instead of pontificating you should re-read my post. The 35mph posting is in the wrong place. It's supposed to be in the area of the lake due to increased turning traffic and congestion due to vacationers. Instead the 35mph is posted several miles before the lake and 500ft BEFORE The lake parking area and boat ramp it INCREASES TO 45MPH. If safety was the goal the traffic signs would have been corrected before the bill was paid for the road rebuild. So much for safety being a primary reason for enforcement. It's primarily a revenue generator. How do you know who's getting ticketed for how fast. My neighbor was so livid he showed me an $80 example for 7 over with the trooper at the foot of a 4% 1/2 mile long downhill grade 1 mile from my home. Just because you ASSUME something doesn't make it true.
    jhenderson , Nov 3, 2017
  15. chipster

    why waste your talents on this forum, you are obviously needed to do battle of a more serious nature.Your superior logic is needed in Sanctuary cities and states, you will be addressing more lawbreakers than those using radar detectors and will be contributing to the safety of all. Good luck, please help
    chipster , Nov 4, 2017
  16. MRoberts

    I did. It was at 0430 on I-5 heading to the airport on Thanksgiving morning. Pulled onto the freeway and in less then a 1/4 mile the lights came on.

    I appealed the ticket and the magistrate was in total disbelief. He said he was sorry, but he had to assess a minimal fine. He reduced it from approximately $100 to $20.
    MRoberts , Nov 4, 2017
  17. brillmtb

    valantine one, I have the 600 escort max 360. I will say that the escort has too many false alerts and I put the valantine in my wifes car since it is much more effective without having to interpret and false and true alerts.
    brillmtb , Nov 6, 2017
  18. brillmtb

    That's 600 dollar by the way
    brillmtb , Nov 6, 2017
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