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  1. Lynx0849

    Ok, perhaps specifically called out for speed detection?

    Lynx0849 , Mar 31, 2017
  2. Deleted member 995608

    That very well could be true but anyone can purchase a variety of them that do jam. I was really tempted to purchase one, but I wasn't sure if its detectable by Highway Patrol. *
    Deleted member 995608 , Mar 31, 2017
  3. Newsa

    My wife keeps me from driving over the speed limit.
    Newsa , Apr 1, 2017
  4. seafish

    But a wife is definitely more expensive then a radar detector!!! LOL
    seafish , Apr 1, 2017
  5. Newsa

    She's saved me thousands in speeding tickets and cost me thousands at the same time. But I think I'll keep her. She's not too ornery.
    Newsa , Apr 1, 2017
  6. MRoberts

    I found this site, it has lots of really good info regarding all States, types of detectors, ratings etc.

    Thanks to one of their techs, Mike, I purchased a Radenso XP for my 150 mile commute. My second trip with it is tomorrow morning. The first one, I just plugged it in and drove. Now I'm tinkering!!!
    MRoberts , Apr 13, 2017
  7. Cummins2014

    Yes that ,and why worry about radar detectors, and speeding. I find it more enjoyable driving not worrying about trying to break the law, and get away with something.

    I think if you are in a hurray, and have to break the law, why not give yourself some additional time instead, and enjoy the ride.

    To the OP ,nope can't recommend something so you can break the law. Might just try obeying the law.
    Cummins2014 , Apr 15, 2017
  8. MRoberts

    Thanks for the sound advice father.

    I'm going to repay the favor and assume that you are the guy parked
    in the left lane with his cruise control set 2 mph below the posted speed limit, smug look on your face because you are obeying the law.

    Can't recommend being a control freak, how about driving to the right and letting all of us criminals continue to break the law because we are in a "hurray"?

    Happy Motoring!!!
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
    MRoberts , Apr 15, 2017
  9. Lipcurl

    Now that's funny !!!
    Lipcurl , Apr 15, 2017
  10. Newsa

    Florida State Patrol doesn't cost the state anything. They are revenue neutral and some years they pull in more money for the state than they spend. They are very aggressive finding speeders and even use helicopters. The guy who delivered my Ram 2500. 3 1/2 years ago had a few choice words when he arrived at my house at 11 pm after being pulled over twice. He had every tool available on his dash.
    Newsa , Apr 15, 2017
  11. Cummins2014

    Glad to help :-laf

    Ya its hell obeying the law :rolleyes:
    Cummins2014 , Apr 16, 2017
  12. robroy90

    Here is how I mounted my Escort Max 360:

    20161024_180419.jpg #ad

    20161024_180419.jpg #ad
    robroy90 , Apr 18, 2017
  13. MRoberts

    Is that a BlendMount?

    I have one ordered.

    Be careful cummins2014 might report you to the authorities!!!
    MRoberts , Apr 18, 2017
  14. robroy90

    Yes, it is a blendmount. The mount itself is top-notch. Just make sure to use some blue loctite on the threads as you assemble it and go to put it in its final position. If you don't, your detector will swing like tarzan in time as those screws have a tendency to work themselves loose.

    Running the hard-wired power cord was WAY more work than it should have been. Why RAM refuses to put any switched electrical fuses inside the cab makes no sense to me. I had to tap in out in the engine bay and bring in a 12v lead through the firewall, etc. At least there was a nice hole for me to use from where a cable for the G56 would have been.
    robroy90 , Apr 19, 2017
  15. MRoberts

    Thanks for the tip about the blue.
    MRoberts , Apr 19, 2017
  16. Deleted member 995608

    What's the part# for the Blendmount for newer Rams? I want one!
    Deleted member 995608 , Apr 20, 2017
  17. MRoberts

    I ordered the BRX-2000R. I have a Radenso XP detector.
    MRoberts , Apr 20, 2017
  18. Deleted member 995608

    ^^ Thanks. I'm a little shocked at sticker price....ouch
    Deleted member 995608 , Apr 20, 2017
  19. MRoberts

    If you go to, you can find a 12.5% discount code with no hassle. Its still expensive!

    But it is a high quality mount. I just installed mine tonight, I am very pleased with the looks, security and placement of my detector now.
    MRoberts , Apr 21, 2017
  20. MRoberts

    Please share some more details on routing the cable. I'm familiar with the firewall location to run the wire. I removed the middle link in the mount so it tucks up a little closer to the bottom of the mirror.

    MRoberts , Apr 21, 2017
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