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  1. DHayden

    How many items have you stacked on your OBDll port with no issues? Most items make an adapter to plug into the OBDll port so you can still plug something else into it. Aux fuel tank, 2 low kit, performance box just to name a few. Of course they all say to plug THEIRS into the actual OBDll port and plug your other item into theirs. Whats the limit? What have you stacked and in what order?
    DHayden , Jun 28, 2021

    I’ve never had good luck putting more than one item on the OBDII port in my 05. I’ve only tried 1 item on my 18.
    AH64ID , Jun 28, 2021
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  3. lpennock

    On my 06 I had the CSP5 and a edge Insight CTS2. The CSP5 was a pass through design which I got before I got my CTS2 by about a year. When I got the CTS2 I had to get a replacement cable for the CSP5 as it wouldn't pass power through to the CTS2. Bottom line is an incorrectly built pass through will block things further up the chain from working.

    When I got the Powersteps for my 18 I insisted that they were the hardwired model and not the OBD model as I don't trust stacking stuff on the OBD and already had the CTS2.
    lpennock , Jun 28, 2021
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  4. Wiredawg

    I'm finishing getting ready to go on 2 week RV trip, so be a couple weeks to let you know if my Edge CST2 Monitor and U-Connect 4G modem on an OBDII splitter works. Too whooped and still more things to get ready to do it now.

    Cheers, Ron
    Wiredawg , Jun 29, 2021
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  5. JR

    It has been a few years since I attempted this so maybe things have changed. But as you already found out There is good reason they say to plug theirs in first, the first plug is the only plug that you will be able to utilize its functions. Whatever is plugged in second may be problematic if it is looking for info on the same pins as the first device.
    If you try it make sure you buy a fully populated plug, some of the cheap pass throughs are not and won't even allow for info transfer.
    DHayden likes this.
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