1. kenny61

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2018
    kenny61 , Oct 30, 2009
  2. JKreiss

    It is sad but i had to chuckle at the irony. These people who "loved the woods and had a deep affinity for their beauty and serenity", tend to be the same that don't respect it. It's also saddening that none of the hikers who apparently witnessed the attack were carrying, she could have been saved. To all the huggers; you hike with your stick, i'll hike with my Taurus.
    JKreiss , Oct 30, 2009
  3. GHarman

    :-laf, I need a stick along with the S&W M-29:D. GregH
    GHarman , Oct 30, 2009
  4. Ram4Sam TDR MEMBER

    What irony, the liberals are such boneheads. They would never kill a coyote to defend themselves, but now one of them gets eaten, and the feds are going to hunt down the pack and kill them. I wonder if the coyotes knew they were all going to die, regardless of the original outcome.

    Ram4Sam , Oct 30, 2009
  5. Gary - K7GLD

    An interesting article - while ANY loss of human life is tragic, and to be mourned, there seems to be at least a small bit of irony and poetic justice in events where those who force by law the exposure of OTHERS to hazards THEY are isolated from, should reap the results of their own actions and goals:

    Canadian folk singer killed by coyotes, park official says - CNN.com

    In our part of rural eastern Oregon, some of these same environmentalists, living in places like Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco and similar large metropolitan cities, install legislation that places wolves into OUR areas, but they wouldn't even BEGIN to consider having them running loose in THEIR local parks and back yards! These "cute and fuzzy" animals that seem so attractive in Disney movies and photos, are rarely shown feeding on the livestock of ranchers, or their family pets.

    But WE get to see it pretty regularly!

    Perhaps the opinions and legal actions of the "passionate lovers" of potentially dangerous and deadly wildlife would change a bit, if THEY had to look one in the eyes up close and personal, in the same parts of the country THEY want US to have to share OUR safety with, unnecessarily, and under artificially created conditions.

    These same Wolves, Coyotes, Mountain Lions, and similar predators that environmentalists say once lived out here where we are, ALSO once lived in those metropolitan city areas - so if packs of these animals are "rightfully" placed here for US to "enjoy", why not turn a few packs loose in the big cities, parks and back yards as well - that's where WE get them...

    "Environmentalism" without common sense, logic, and reason - is INSANITY!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2018
    Gary - K7GLD , Oct 30, 2009
  6. MVenditti

    And the coyote didn't even need any Acme products to bag a tree hugger lol.
    MVenditti , Oct 30, 2009
  7. The patriot

    guess she didnt go to waste.....
    edit: she was taken to a hospital.
    Oh well... .
    The patriot , Oct 30, 2009
  8. DWeiler

    Uncommon for coyotes ----BUT tread into mother natures back yard for a nature walk---be prepared for the unthinkable---- I'm about an hour away from "Banff National Park","Jasper"is another couple of hours up the highway,probable one of the most beautiful places in North America and you can witness common stupidity on a daily basis----tourists trying to feeds the elk/deer/moose. Bears(black mostly but and if your lucky---- a Grizzly)can be seen along the highway and there are the dozen or so cars pulled over and people trying to get within 10yards of these animals with kids in tow hoping for that perfect "polaroid":mad:. These people need to step away from the "DISNEY"channel and respect the animals. Our left liberal government over the past 30-40 years has destroyed all the gun rights up here----we now have a national gun registry (2-3 billion spent-so far)to register all firearms,even farmers/ranchers---ridiculous. When i'm out hunting in grizzly country i would love to carry a nice 9MM for back-up but laws say i can't(to much government red tape to own a handgun in this country). PS---- on my dad farm up north the rule is a standing coyote is a dead coyote,a running coyote is a well disciplined coyote. :-lafDW
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
    DWeiler , Oct 30, 2009

    Witnesses called 911? How about going in and trying to help? This is very odd yote behavior, but it does happen. This sounds like city dwellers watching a mugging in progress and not doing anything. A sad loss, yet ironic.
    AMink , Oct 31, 2009
  10. kenny61

    Help? isn't that what the Gov't is for?
    kenny61 , Oct 31, 2009
  11. The patriot

    IIRC there's no right to carry in Canada.

    I'm not sure what else could be done. :confused:

    Make scary noises?:confused:
    The patriot , Oct 31, 2009
  12. kenny61

    Throw liberals at em until they were full?
    kenny61 , Oct 31, 2009
  13. Andersonville

    What Dweiler said! You want to know how to spot a bear in Banff or on the Icefields Parkway? Just watch for the tourbus parked on the shoulder! A 9mm isn't big enough. I would want at least a . 41 Magnum Ruger Blackhawk.
    Andersonville , Nov 1, 2009
  14. Dl5treez

    This happened in Canada, where ownership of a handgun is strictly regulated, and carry of any sort (open or concealed) is extremely difficult to do, if not outright banned in most, if not all, areas... . particularly provincial parks.

    Unfortunately the irony of it makes for great news..... but let's try not to get too political, then we'll have to move it to the zoo or edit it too much.

    I try to let things go so you won't hear much micro-managing from here on... . Cheers!

    Dl5treez , Nov 1, 2009
  15. The patriot

    Done in my best Sam Kinnison voice... . from "back to school"

    "I like the way you think... ... ... . I'm gonna be watching you. "

    The patriot , Nov 2, 2009
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