1. MMeier

    Sad I tell ya'!!
    MMeier , Dec 27, 2008
  2. WDaniels

    ROTFLMAO times 3! Mark, where did you find that? That is just to funny. Wish I was down there where you are at. Is -35 now and projected to hit -40 and start blowing by morning. If everything goes according to plan, this will be my last winter in Fairbanks.

    Here are a couple of pictures for you Mark. The first one looking over the hood of the car was taken this morning at 11:45 am or noon. The second one with the white truck was taken at 2:30 pm. It is about -25 to -28 in both of them.

    WDaniels , Dec 28, 2008
  3. Crash&Burn

    WDaniels... . you're pics reminded me of my first day at Fort Wainwright... ... .

    Jan 14, 1968..... the sun came up around 11 am and set before 1pm... ... ...

    don't remember the temp. but it below -40.
    Crash&Burn , Dec 28, 2008
  4. WDaniels

    Nothing has changed except these were taken at Eielson AFB.

    WDaniels , Dec 28, 2008
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