AnonEd , Feb 10, 2021
    JR and brucejohnson like this.
  2. JR

    But that doesn't fit the narrative!

    I just performed the timing belt service on my sons 2012 Jetta. When I got it back together I had it idling in the garage which is very air tight and well insulated. I stepped outside to load up the wood burner and got side tracked for a few minutes. When I came back inside it had probably been idling for close to 20 minutes total and there was nary a whiff of exhaust smell. Sure, there are things being omitted from a tail pipe which one can not smell that may be harmful to certain reproductive organs :D and I sure wouldn't make a habit of running any vehicle in an enclosed area. But I thought it was remarkable just how clean that "dirty" little diesel burns. I sure couldn't get away with that with my 01.
    Jim W and brucejohnson like this.
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