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  1. Simplysmn

    Hey Guy's Have a question I have a 1995 engine I am trying to trace back to see what miles are on it? shop I bought it from claimed to sell me a engine with 82,000 that 1 was to be a 96 or 97 180 Hp engine the one they sent me is a 160 If I put it in truck will I really see that much of a Loss in Power ? I'm a first gen guy not a second gen HELP ME Figure this Out .
    Simplysmn , Jul 18, 2016
  2. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    If you give me the ESN I can tell you what the VIN was of the vehicle that it was installed in. That might at least get you started.....
    mwilson , Jul 18, 2016
  3. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    Not enough difference between a 180 and a 160 to spit at. I don't imagine you'll be leaving it stock for long anyway.
    BigPapa , Jul 18, 2016
  4. Simplysmn

    Well engine or I should say Truck is not mine and it's a Older Gentleman that own's it so it will stay stock . Mike here is what I think number is SCE3590DABW ? IF that is not right I will double check it .

    Thank you for the Help .
    Simplysmn , Jul 18, 2016
  5. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Cummins ESN should be 8 numbers long...starting with a "5" I believe.
    mwilson , Jul 18, 2016
  6. Simplysmn

    I will go check engine right now .
    Simplysmn , Jul 18, 2016
  7. Simplysmn

    ok found it 53040140 Better ????
    Simplysmn , Jul 18, 2016
  8. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Double check it, one digit may be off. Not getting it to work in Cummins.
    mwilson , Jul 18, 2016
  9. Simplysmn

    53040140 is the correct number 04-05-95 build date ? also has 26233 number ?
    Simplysmn , Jul 19, 2016
  10. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    Not trying to butt in, but this is what comes up for ESN 53040140:

    53040140.jpg #ad

    This is what I get on my 1995 160hp:

    56206518.jpg #ad

    53040140.jpg #ad

    56206518.jpg #ad
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    BigPapa , Jul 19, 2016
  11. mwilson TDR MEMBER


    It may be too old for the quick-serve database. That's what I was getting last night. I'm on the road right now but try changing the 53 to a 56 and see what you get.
    I have some engine serial numbers in my computer at work from 94 to 95 Ram trucks. I'll check the pattern when I get there.
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  12. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    If all of the above efforts fail I will call Cummins and they can do it deeper search on the engine serial number.
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  13. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Something else to keep in mind is it might be a B series built for someone else, for example I believe the Built for Case engine serial numbers do something similar
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  14. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Well, about the only valid piece of info on that entire Data Plate is "DCEC".....just googled it and guess what, that is the Dongfeng Cummins Engine Company in China.......

    So that engine most definitely did not come out of a Ram. Probably out of some off-shore excavator or something....tell him to take it back if he can...nothing but trouble if he EVER needs parts.

    If he can't return it the only way to get parts is to get the number off of the broken items if possible. I know with the CASE / Cummins engines that works, for example we have done the pistons and such by using the existing part numbers to back door the relevant option group.

    I will be calling Cummins later and will bring this up to see if my conclusion is correct...

    Dongfeng.jpg #ad

    Dongfeng.jpg #ad
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  15. Simplysmn

    Well weird thing is it has a 47rh flex plate and look's factory look's identical to the 96 engine I pulled same location for everything ? I will be in Contact or at least try I have gone as far as getting BBB involved with trying to even get this engine Here .Thank you Both for the Help Much Appreciated . I will let you know what I find .
    Simplysmn , Jul 19, 2016
  16. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Maybe the front gear cover was changed???
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  17. Simplysmn

    I am not sure it look's All original .But the thing that upset's me the Most is the agreement was 96-97 180 h ump engine with 82,000 miles and now after a Month this show's up and it's a 160 Pump engine . And I don't really want to put 30 dollar's worth of oil into it just to fire it to find out it's Junk .
    Simplysmn , Jul 19, 2016
  18. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    I don't blame you one bit.
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  19. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    My buddy at Cummins is on vacation, so talked to one of the Cummins guys in Mass.

    He says the same thing, no info on that thing at all.

    Somebody tried to pull a sneaky.....
    mwilson , Jul 19, 2016
  20. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    I tried that last night to no avail.
    BigPapa , Jul 19, 2016
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