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  1. Briar Hopper

    Guns magazine, June 2002 issue has an uncanny commentary by Charles E. Petty on how internet product forums seemingly foster the new trend of "Attack " marketing. (my word for it, not his)

    Here are his words:

    ..... Then there was another, and another, who talked about the pistol's comfort, reliability, and accuracy. But those who had good things to say were shouted down by a closed minded tribe. And quite an interesting little hissy fight ensued.

    The "Law of the Better Mousetrap" states: "If you build one, the world will beat a path to your door. " But better mousetraps usually have an uphill fight, and are criticized by those irrevocably committed to another brand - even if they have never seen the new one, much less tried to catch a mouse with it. Brand loyalty is sometimes so strong that it denies the possibility of a better choice existing. Credit for this goes to excellent marketing.

    That's his words, and it's creepy how close to the mark he hit, apparently ours is not the only discussion forum seeing this trend. But... "excellent" marketing? I don't think so... . clever, yes, but only effective for a short period of time. In the end, the products shall speak for themselves.....
    Briar Hopper , Apr 12, 2002
  2. Bob Wagner

    Bob Wagner , Apr 12, 2002
  3. StakeMan

    Thanks for making Briar's point Bob.
    StakeMan , Apr 13, 2002
  4. TxDieselKid

    :eek: How true it is!:eek:

    TxDieselKid , Apr 13, 2002
  5. 777 MECHANIC

    :--) AMEN:--)
    777 MECHANIC , Apr 13, 2002
  6. fox

    I'm going to go buy one this weekend - guns mag- and read it. Does it mention incorrect advertizing?

  7. JTBMC


    Its like trying to get your Brothers to agree with you who caught the biggest fish or shot the the most Game when you were kids.

    JTBMC , Apr 13, 2002

    That is the absolute TRUTH!!! Thanks Briar.
    LSMITH , Apr 13, 2002
  9. Devildog

    It's nature of the beast

    If you remember when the computer came out alot of the slide rule guys had their noses up at the idea and now look, "technically" you can't live with out one.

    I'm hear to tell ya! I know slide rule guys that STILL hate computers, and don't want to hear it:rolleyes:
    Devildog , Apr 13, 2002
  10. Briar Hopper

    Apparently, a certain company thought that original post I made above was directed at them. I don't see where I mentioned anyone. It was a statement, in general, of the way product debates online often descend into a morass of "hissy fights"... :D

    I've been as guilty of it as anyone else in these forums. You know that, and I know that.
    Briar Hopper , Apr 13, 2002
  11. Greg Boardman-RIP

    You guys need to get over it... ..... Quit flogging the dead horse
    Greg Boardman-RIP , Apr 13, 2002
  12. Briar Hopper

    What dead horse, Greg? :D I thought the article was a powerful corroboration of my often-stated viewpoint that things get out of hand in a hurry when it comes to brand favorites in any internet forum... .
    Briar Hopper , Apr 13, 2002
  13. Greg Boardman-RIP

    come on man, There is now two camps on Auto trannys, Give it a rest!!!!!!!!!
    Greg Boardman-RIP , Apr 14, 2002
  14. LSMITH

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but where were auto trannies mentioned??:confused: I saw it as a general statement that could apply to anything, but directed at a general theme of intolerance.
    LSMITH , Apr 14, 2002

    Yea, LSMITH, a general statement, made by the "King of hissy fights". OMG tell'm like it is Bob. :D
    GLASMITHS , Apr 14, 2002
  16. StakeMan

    Are we going to start with the name calling again?:mad:
    StakeMan , Apr 14, 2002
  17. Cummins4Life

    Is it just me or is this thread just a waste of server space. [​IMG]#ad
    Come on people, I'm sure you can find somthing better to do with your time than start another 8 page rant. Step away from the keyboard and go tighten your intercooler clamps or somthing. :p;)
    Cummins4Life , Apr 14, 2002


    Certainly not:rolleyes: I was quoting Briar Hooper. :confused:

    I agree with the drift of the article. There has been too much of it go on on this site and other places. You can attack some one; and it is up to that person or concern to clear his, their names/products - like posting pictures with-out explaining. IMHO
    GLASMITHS , Apr 14, 2002
  19. Bob Wagner

    Bob Wagner , Apr 14, 2002
  20. Cummins4Life

    Effective use of bungie cord I see lol. I'm sure he'll appreciate you posting that herelol. :D :-laf :-laf
    Cummins4Life , Apr 14, 2002
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