  1. HPSimpson TDR MEMBER

    Has made statement about Ram trucks "if" Ram cannot make profit of between $ 35,000 to $38,000 per vehicle will stop production, along with Dodge cars. I ask has anyone else heard about this??
    HPSimpson , Jan 27, 2024
    Diesel85 likes this.
  2. Jebruns

    You said "has made statement". Link please.
    Jebruns , Jan 27, 2024
  3. SSchang

    I'm sure Ram does not make a 50% profit on their trucks. I worked for Cummins for 37 years, and I know their profit margin. It's waay lower than 50%.
    SSchang , Jan 27, 2024
    Diesel85 likes this.
  4. Diesel85 TDR MEMBER

    I found this:

    But that was a year ago...
    Diesel85 , Jan 27, 2024
    C M McCormick and HPSimpson like this.

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