1. Tractorat

    A friend of mine is leaving on saturday to go to Yellowstone. Has anyone been thru there in the last couple of days and know what the current conditions are ? They are mostly interested in seeing buffalo while there.
    Tractorat , Oct 4, 2011
  2. BarryG TDR MEMBER

    I was there in August so can't comment on the current conditions. It did snow on us a little bit one evening while we were there. If you want to see buffalo the Hayden Valley I think it was saw a hundred or more each time we drove through it while we were there. However be warned that that is not the only place they were. I almost hit one on our way to Mammoth one morning. I was gawking at the scenery driving through the woods early morning and it was cloudy and he just stepped out on to the road. I hit the brakes and swerved around him. While I must say I should have been paying more attention to the road I never would have guessed one would hop out of the woods onto the road. Over in the Hayden Valley they are on the road where it is wide open country were I would have expected to see them.
    BarryG , Oct 4, 2011

    I too was there in the end of August and Hayden Valley is were most of the animals were, but like Barry we saw them all over, to include the thick forest.

    I think its impossible to go to Yellowstone and not see a ton of buffalo.
    AH64ID , Oct 4, 2011
  4. Newt

    Watch what you ask for. The Bison block the road at times.

    Newt , Oct 5, 2011

    We were in Yellowstone in September and helped lock up a few places as the end of the season was there. Bison in Hayden Valley mostly but also Fishing Bridge. Elk down town Mammoth, rut was starting, very exciting to see how the stag keeped his harum in check. Heard bedded down in the Mammoth camp ground around the trailers that was parked there. Did not see any Bears, just heard stories.

    MLee , Oct 5, 2011

    Aren't the Bison in Lamar Valley ? I kow they are in more than one place JAT
    BIGNASTY , Oct 5, 2011

    My wife and I were in Yellowstone in late Aug and early Sept of this year. Bison were everywhere in the park. Saw a small herd at Sylvan Lake and at Eleanor Lake along with a wolf. Another herd was in the Hayden Valley and along the Yellowstone River by Tower Falls. Did not see any bears but did see Pronghorn in Lamar Valley. It snow and hail the day we were in the Lamar Valley area, I believe the morning low temp that day was 34F.

    I would go soon since most roads in Yellowstone are closed from Mid-October until late May.

    Jim W.
    Jim W , Oct 5, 2011

    34 is just BRISK in Yellowstone :-laf
    BIGNASTY , Oct 5, 2011
  9. Tractorat

    Thanks for all of the replies. Its a friend of mine that is going, not me. I've seen enough buffalo, but that's what they want to see.

    I've never been there this late in the year, and don't know what to expect for weather, or if the buffalo migrate out of the areas where you can see them from the road in Yellowstone.

    I think they will enjoy the trip.
    Tractorat , Oct 5, 2011

    If they want to see BUFF I dont know if it still there but outside of Custer SD they at one time had the largest Buffalo Heard, some state park I think. I was in a truck and just stopped along the road I must have hit it at the rite time there were buff as far as I could see and in SD you can see for awhile.
    BIGNASTY , Oct 5, 2011
  11. Jeff Knight

    That would be Custer State Park.
    Jeff Knight , Oct 5, 2011
  12. Jim W TDR MEMBER

    Yes, it was especially since we left Yellowstone Valley Inn outside of Cody WY and it was in the 60's in the morning. Drove up the Big Chief Joseph Scenic Highway (212) to Cooke City MT (EL 7,365) North East entrance, than into the park. My wife pointed out the temp display and it read 34F outside. She turned on the heat when she saw that. It always seem that Yellowstone was 10 to 15 Deg's cooler than Cody WY (EL 5,016)

    Jim W.
    Jim W , Oct 5, 2011
  13. HEMI®Dart

    Could the kids pet the Bison? :-laf
    HEMI®Dart , Oct 5, 2011
  14. BSeyler

    Unfortunately, some people think they can. Each year, several tourists get gored.

    My wife and I went to a wedding in Bozeman a few years ago and decided to cut through the park coming home. Got stopped in one of the legendary traffic jams. We got out and kind of "Injuned" up so we could see and it turned out there was a sow black bear and a cub that were trying to cross the road. People were all over the place and some were between them. I told the wife, "Keep your camera handy, we might get to see a mauling. " Luckily, the bear just waited on the cub and they moved on. Lots of people that day didn't realize how lucky they were.
    BSeyler , Oct 5, 2011

    Could be I was truckin at the time with a load of rebar going to a Flintstone RV park and I just stoped to look at the BUFF that was really some sight.
    BIGNASTY , Oct 5, 2011

    This might change your mind about getting anywhere close to these guy's they can move faster than one mite think. Buffalo Attacks Man Video I know your just kidding but you would be amazed how many people think that they are just so cute. I guess they are when your upside down in a tree. Went to a 4H show to pick out our beef and help a kid out. The sign said KICKER and was behind the beef some lady said what does that mean it wasnt long before she found out. Her husband said kick's kind of fast for such a little guy. My wife told him in all directions also and he almost got it.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
    BIGNASTY , Oct 5, 2011
  17. Jim W TDR MEMBER

    When you enter Yellowstone the park ranger asks if you want the park newspaper. In the paper is a yellow warning about approaching animals and a $500 to $1,000 fine if you try.

    These are wild animals that tolerate us on their feeding grounds. In fact a day hiker was mauled and killed by a Grizzly when we were there in late Aug.

    They think it was around the 25/26 of Aug. Since he set-up camp on the 24Th and was not seen since.

    Jim W.
    Jim W , Oct 6, 2011

    We were there for that one too. 2 grizzley mauling's this summer, first ones in 25 years.
    AH64ID , Oct 6, 2011

    Im no wildlife biologist or anything but if a Grizz got ahold of someone you would see the remains. If a Cat get's a hold of you they have a tendence to drag you into a hole and no evidence. Case in point a boy scout in San Bernardino National Forest has been missing for many years at first they said bear but many wildlife people said cat. Grizz have absolutely no table manners they REALLY make a mess.
    BIGNASTY , Oct 6, 2011

    Yeah Cat's hide their food, bears don't.

    Not an absolute scenario, but more of general habits. Cat attacks are much rarer than bear. Also black bears are more likely to kill than Grizzlies, thou Grizzlies are more likely to charge.
    AH64ID , Oct 7, 2011
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