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  1. Tractorat

    I saw a story on the local news this morning about an alternative to tire chains. It is called the auto sock, and has been blessed by the state patrol here in Wash state. Has anyone had any experience with these ? Mostly interested on cars, but it would be interesting if someone had tried them on their truck as well.

    They are much faster and easier to install than chains.
    Tractorat , Nov 16, 2013
  2. JCasper TDR MEMBER

    I work for the largest tire chain distributor in the country. I'll respond to this tonight, but let me say this. It is an alternative just like it says, but they don't last long and don't provide near the traction of a pair of chains. I've been working with a lot of retailers on this subject
    JCasper , Nov 16, 2013
  3. Tractorat

    Thanks, looking forward to it. As much as I use chains ( I think it may have been decades), it they only last 3 or 4 times, they are worth the $100. The only time I might use them would be if my wife got stuck out away from home, or if I were to drive my car over the pass and need chains (havent done that for a long long time either (truck has 4wd)
    Tractorat , Nov 16, 2013
  4. JCasper TDR MEMBER

    The Autosock is being pushed by a company by a company out of Colorado. They are working hard with the Media trying to get this approved in as many places as possible. A lot of what they show is not what it seems. We've tested the autosock, a product out of Germany that is very similar, a imported version and the new Michelin product. Neither held up well.

    There are a lot of items out now that install much easier then traditional tire chains. There are great options with cable chain and other product for limited clearance vehicles.

    I typed much more about how I feel about this, but deleted and shortened it to this.

    If you want some ideas on a product that's easy to install and still provides good traction PM me and I'll help you out.
    JCasper , Nov 17, 2013
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