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  1. Hunter11

    I have been using the P. S. in the white bottle and understand it does not contain any alcohol. I was going to try the P. S. in the gray bottle(Diesel Kleen) but I cannot find anything that says it does not have alcohol in it. Just trying to see if anyone knows for sure. Thanks
    Hunter11 , Feb 20, 2002
  2. illflem

    Unless things have changed recently PS 9-1-1 is the only one that contains alcohol.
    illflem , Feb 20, 2002
  3. Hunter11

    Thanks Illflem, that's what I was thinking to. I thought it use to be listed on their website but I didn't see it anymore. For some reason my truck runs better on the Diesel Kleen.
    Hunter11 , Feb 20, 2002
  4. Okie-Go

    I like it also. The bottle treats up to 100 gallons. With the aux. tank and oem that is what I carry when full. Works out nice.
    Okie-Go , Feb 20, 2002
  5. Neal Cassady


    DK has more cetane boost than the PS formula (white bottle).

    Neal Cassady , Feb 21, 2002
  6. The patriot

    I like the diesel kleen. If your truck smokes, this helps a lot. Also, maybe it's just me, but it seems to have a bit more power.

    I never got the added MPG's they speak of.

    The patriot , Feb 21, 2002
  7. BigBadDodge

    It's not just you Eric I noticed that when I use the DC mine has a little more get up and go as well. I actully found it in a small bottle at the local auto parts store that treats up to I think it was 40 gallons.
    BigBadDodge , Feb 21, 2002
  8. RClark

    I found mine at WalMart- both kinds. Good price also. Oo. Oo.
    RClark , Feb 21, 2002
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