1. Mschevey

    I am looking at a antique tractor located ~20 miles SW of Dallas, TX. I would like to go and pick it up but the distance is just to far. I can't take that many days off of work. :( The tractor is aproxamitly 8,000#. If anyone can help please let me know here, with a private message, or an E-mail. The time frame would probably be the end of Jan. to mid. Feb.

    If someone can bring part way that will help, anything around Nashville, Tenn. or closer would be best.

    Remote possability that there could be two tractors with the second one being aprx. 5,500#.


    Mschevey , Jan 4, 2002
  2. Turboman TDR MEMBER

    How much $$$

    I might be interested. I have a trailer capable of this, I'm not sure what it might cost though. where from and where to? email me at -- email address removed --
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2020
    Turboman , Jan 4, 2002
  3. CoreyPerez


    I know this is an old post, but I'm running about 90 percnt of that distance. If you still need this tow, lemme know!



    -- email address removed --

    Oh, I'm leaving about the 10th of Jan 2002
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2020
    CoreyPerez , Jan 8, 2002
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