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  1. DennyDay

    Just came out of Home Depot with a basket full of junk, my wife unloaded in to be back of the truck, after I carefully unlocked the toper rear door with the key, while my wife took the cart to the rack, I jumped into the cab and started the truck, WELL it was a good plan! the truck cranked an started and immediately Quit - - well, not satisfied, I did it again! results SAME THING. I decided that I needed to change the fuel filter that I didn't change last week. Changed the filter, no help! After a little cussing and discussing the in tank booster pump, I pulled out the Smarty and plugged it in - - and guess what - - it had a code - - something new - - - missing SIM P205- - wait a minute then a young walked up with his wife and asked if I needed some help as he was a mechanic - - told him I thought it was a lift pump - - He knew what I was talking about, said he didn't want to take the fuel tank down with full in the Home Depot parking lot, to which I agreed, I was still thinking about that code What the he-- is a SIM heard that about Cell phones but Trucks? Wait Just a cotton picking, I reached into my pocket and picked my keys out - - Yep, you've got it! the Ignition key was in my pocket - - I reached into the cab and pulled the spare keep out of the ignition switch! I had that key in my hand when I unloaded the back of the truck - - the fancy key with the alarm buttons was in my pocked, started the truck immediately and its has not missed a lick since - - boy did I feel like an idiot - - -worst part was my wife agreeing with me - - for a change! - - but the bottom line was the Smarty, if I hadn't used it I would have ordered a wrecker!!! bid $$ Ok well DUMBA--
    DennyDay , Oct 24, 2013
  2. B.G. Smith

    I also carry a key in my pocket that will open the door but won't run the truck. I have tried to start it before with the key but soon realiozed that it was wrong key, at least up to now. I have been told that if you try it so many time (3) that it will lock out the computer or something and truck will have to be houled to dealer to correct the lock out. Don't be too hard on yourself. An old friend of mine once said after he locked his keys in his truck, "Smitty, there are those who have locked their key in their truck and there are those who lie about it" bg
    B.G. Smith , Oct 24, 2013
  3. DennyDay

    BG- -- - - Ya' But I've had this truck since 2006 and driven it 133000 miles and this was the first time!
    DennyDay , Oct 24, 2013
  4. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    Listen, until you stand at your front door and try and open your house with the key fob from your truck, you have nothing to worry about... ... . not that I know anyone who has done that or anything. :eek:
    jgillott , Oct 24, 2013
  5. mfurrh55

    I've used my door key about 6 or 7 times and it didn't lock me out, i was moving my truck about 10 ft. didn't have the reg. key with me, guess i was lucky, Monte
    mfurrh55 , Oct 24, 2013
  6. Bill Stockard

    Don't feel bad! I did the same thing on a grocery store parking lot several years ago. :-laf The only thing different was I didn't have Smarty. I realized my mistake of using my "dumb" lock/unlock the door key instead of the encrypted key after replacing the fuel filter and also thinking it was a lift pump failure and AFTER I had called for a wrecker. :eek:

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
    Bill Stockard , Oct 25, 2013
  7. DennyDay

    Bill - - You know how to make a feller' feel better. - - Wife sez' I'm still a DUMBA--!
    DennyDay , Oct 25, 2013
  8. RustyJC


    I think that's in their job description.....

    RustyJC , Oct 25, 2013
  9. MarkEkberg

    Many moons ago I came out of some store. Looked at my truck, walked over to it, unlocked the door with the key, got in, stuck the key in, and tried to start. Key would not turn in the ignition. 15 min later trying to figure out what the heck was going on the owner of the truck thought I was trying to steal it. My truck was parked two cars away.

    We had a chuckle about it once everyone understood what happened.
    MarkEkberg , Oct 26, 2013
  10. AnOldBiker

    Now this thread is making me laugh so hard my belly is hurting. After I send this I need to fine the old woman and reminder her of her little past adventure.

    When I bought my '06, she was only a couple days old and the old girl took it to the store. (I happen to be helping a friend and had her truck. ) She parked the new truck next to a light pole that was at the far end of the parking lot and went in to destroy our checkbook with store sales. When she came out, the thru the packages in the bed and went to open the door. But she couldn't find the keys and thought she locked them in truck. (It's to tall for her to just look in. ) So she took the extra key I gave her to open it and naturally ... nothing happen.

    I got a phone call letting me know how pi$$ed she was and she needed help. Naturally I need to clean the grease / oil off so I was a bit late. She was getting upset and called the Auto Club, and when I got there, the guy was about to run that thin blade down the window to trip the latch when I, and a stranger that happen to stop next to me yelled stop.

    To my wives and the wreckers surprise, I hit my button on my key fob and the truck next to it flashed it's pretty lights and sang to me. Seems the stranger next to me had a Dodge like my new one but different wheels and parked on the other side of the light post. Later I found out he was at the same sales weekend as I was and we bother didn't have time to custom the trucks yet.

    He and I had a belly laugh, the wrecker was apologizing left and right because he was going to break into someone else's truck, and my wife was VERY QUIET with her head hanging low.

    The other guy left, and in 45 years of knowing each other, I CALLED HER A DUMB*****, for the first time.

    It felt good then and every once in a while I remember this and remind her of it.
    Now please excuse me, but I need to find the old girl and discuss this thread.
    So C. D. , thanks for starting this ... and as the old song says ... . Thanks for the Memories ...
    AnOldBiker , Oct 30, 2013
  11. JJPage

    I have a "not so fond" memory of a similar scenario.

    After years of "home garaging" (taking the company vehicle home), the phone company decided, that that was a perk I no longer deserved, even though I was on call 24/7.

    My first day driving my 1994 full size XLT Ranger, white Bronco(OJ Special) to work, I realized I could not reach the key operated yard gate actuator from my truck without climbing out... I climbed out, Bronco running, stuck the gate key in the lock and presto, the gate opens. When I went to get back in the Bronco, I was locked out... engine running, just great!

    Well, it didn't take long before I had an audience, co-workers piling up behind me, wanting access through the gate. The company motor vehicle shop was right there, and someone suggested they had a Slim Jim. Never having used one before, I let the mechanic use his expertise in unlocking my truck. After sliding the thin blade down my driver's door window into the door cavity, and jerking in an upward motion, smoke started floating up out of my door, lots of smoke!!!

    Great, now my truck is locked, running, and on fire. Finally did get the door open, shut the key off, but still smoking, had to disconnect the battery. Seems the feed for the door locks was snagged and shorted by mister Slim Jim. I still catch crap from time to time from ex-coworkers about that little stunt, now I can laugh about it and myself, just reminiscing about it now makes me smile... so maybe a fond memory after all :-laf
    JJPage , Oct 30, 2013
  12. sg5054

    Don't feel bad JJ. I did something similar.
    In 95 I worked field sales in CA. The company would not pay for cell phones yet we had to check our voice mail 4 times a day minimum. I am over on the desert side of CA enroute to my 1st national sales meeting. I need to stop to check my mail but of course I'm in the middle of nowhere so no phone. I come upon a abandoned gas station with a phone booth in front. It is about 95 - 100 in the shade of which there is none. I get out and let the truck run while I check in. CRAP! I gotta take notes. Back to the truck for a notebook. WTF!!! the doors are locked and it's running and it's really hot. I couldn't begin to tell AAA exactly where I was either if I called them cuz the MAP is in the truck... ...
    Frustration sets in after a bit and I decide to see if I can force the lock on the tailgate (S10 Blazer). So I get a little abusive and wring off the lock with my handy Leatherman super tool. Ah HAH, I can see the lever attached to the lock rod. I carefully reach in with my tool so I can turn it and unlock the window. I touch it and it goes clink, clink and falls to the bottom of the gate. ARRGH! Now I'm still locked out and the the tailgate is now broken on the company vehicle... .
    Wow, is it hot in the sun. So I wander around the garage and the yard searching for a piece of wire , a coat hanger, something. All the while waiting to get bitten by a rattlesnake or maybe a scorpion. That would fitting. I find a wire and head back. Using my Leatherman I try to pry the window open. Struggling to pry the driver's window open without breaking the window or tearing up the weather strip , the knife slips and I stab myself in the palm of my hand. F********, Now I'm bleeding at a good rate, the truck is still running, it is REALLY hot now and I have blood all over the side of the truck. Oh and the door is still locked. Nothing to cover my hand up with so I keep at and eventually I get in. Off to the meeting in Vegas. I was the only sales manager with their own vehicle at this meeting so I was the designated taxi. I had to explain to everyone why my hand was bandaged and the lock was broken on my truck.
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    sg5054 , Oct 30, 2013
  13. DennyDay

    JJPAGE AND sg5040 - - I don't feel nearly as bad this week as I did last week!
    DennyDay , Oct 30, 2013
  14. sg5054

    The DA club has many members... .
    Only some chose to admit it.
    We are the proud, the few, the Dumb A**
    You are not alone... .
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
    sg5054 , Oct 30, 2013
  15. rashwor

    The club has many more members than is actually known. I am a member for several existing reasons and with any luck, several reasons to come in the future. :D
    rashwor , Nov 6, 2013
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