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  1. endoscott

    Pink stuff all over! Recently had extensive work on AC system (replacement of condenser and other), wondering if there is any relationship to leaking AF now. Been about 1000 or 1500 miles since AC work was done. Maybe no relationship at all. Looked at "Y" pipe, no obvious crack. Ran a hard uphill pull towing 10,000 pound 5th wheel over Snoqualmie pass, never saw temp gauge much above halfway mark, seemed fine all the way, but I have been noticing a little bit of "maple syrup" smell. AF.jpg AF2.jpg
    endoscott , Sep 15, 2022
  2. Topzide TDR MEMBER

    Pressure crack in the "Y". I'm going to be replace my hose and adding aluminum "Y's". Then that worry will have been addressed! Also changing the clamps out for "T" bolt style constant pressure type. Hope to get done before temps drop to far and it gets uncomfortable outside to do. Good luck with repairs!
    Topzide , Sep 15, 2022
  3. endoscott

    Yes, it ended up a cracked "Y", replaced upper and lower radiator hoses and both "Y"s. Not sure if the hoses really needed replacing but at 8+ years and all the towing we do I figured I probably should. Maybe I should have also had them do the one that comes off the "Y" also, dunno. Not sure where that one goes.
    endoscott , Sep 23, 2022
  4. Topzide TDR MEMBER

    In our 2014's, we have the dual radiator setup. That's why we have the crazy "Y" pipes in our plumbing! Been slowly collecting all the things that I'll need to replace hoses and upgrade "Y's" to aluminum. Last item needed are constant pressure hose clamps. Some came with the new "Y's", and I like the look and function. Way better then screw drive as they won't dig into the hose. Also less chance of them stretching or breaking. I try to upgrade things as they need attention. Been adding zip ties to button things up as I find them. Trying to make this my last truck, unless I win the lottery or someone is willing to give me one! :D
    Topzide , Sep 24, 2022
    TomBrady likes this.
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