I hope that nobody got caught up in the Tornados, THEY SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!
    BIGNASTY , Apr 23, 2020
    Wiredawg and NIsaacs like this.
  2. DavidC

    Yes, Tornadoes and hail are not the words I want to hear. If I lived in some other parts hurricanes would be another although there is usually ample warning for that but the destruction is still there.
    DavidC , Apr 23, 2020
    TFucili and Wiredawg like this.
  3. jhenderson

    I can stand rain,snow, cold, heat etc. I hate the wind.
    jhenderson , Apr 23, 2020
    Tractorat likes this.
  4. BillBaker

    We were under a tornado warning from that line that's out at sea now. Not confirmed here but was confirmed west of here. I love watching storms roll through and they can be pretty intense down here.

    20200423_190248.jpg #ad
    BillBaker , Apr 23, 2020

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