My Son started on one of these plans and it changed him in NO TIME!! He gave that series of CD's to me and I paid for the other set, he got even more in shape. Now I have started the second set of CD's and feel a HUGE difference. He's moved on to the insanity set of CD's


    Give yourself a gift for the New Year.;)

    BIGNASTY , Dec 31, 2014
  2. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    Morning Big and Happy New Year,

    I don't talk about it much on here, but I've been quite the gym rat for the last 25 years or so. 2 hrs a day of lifting 5 days a week before work and 2-3 nights of cardio, running outside or treadmill or eliptical if the weather is lousy. Not bragging, but I consider myself to be in pretty darn good shape for my age. ;)

    With that said and in all seriousness... A couple of friends and I started doing those types of programs after work a couple of years ago. We've done P90X, Insanity, T25, etc. during that time. Even in the shape that I'm in, they were challenging. I highly recommend them for someone that wants to reach the next level of conditioning. They may be a little too much for a beginner that has never trained hard before, but they do work well at any fitness level. My personal favorite is the original Insanity, but they are all good.
    jgillott , Jan 1, 2015

    Sounds kind of like we live the same lifestyle. I was always a runner, as a kid why waste time walking when you can get there faster by running. Track, in Middle School, High School it wasn't enough!! they had rules about how far a school kid could run. Got into Mountain Running with a Neighbor and was addicted!!

    Never did do much lifting until I got my leg blown off, then out of necessity I had to make up the difference someplace.

    Penny and I are Cardio Nuts, Mainly because we LOVE TO EAT!! Cardio comes on a Elliptical for me Stepper and Elliptical for her, and we both Cross Country ski. Have a (I call them Smith Machine) in the basement workout room. Working around this place is pretty hard on a body sometimes. At 6'6" 220lbs I'm not in the herculean Category just able to work hard most of the day without stopping to often.

    I also thought that I had my Cardio down pretty well until my Son who has been working out for as long as I can remember said give this a try old man. Had a physical not long ago and the DR. Said I need to gain some weight, I don't have enough body fat. HORSE XXXX I'm fine. Told him about these CD's and maybe he should get on the program your looking a bit PUDGY to me!!
    BIGNASTY , Jan 1, 2015
  4. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    For me personally, these video programs have greatly improved my flexability and balance........two major things I'm lacking at 5'8" and 225. :-laf
    jgillott , Jan 1, 2015
  5. crispyboy

    Started a small workout program at work (have a few machines) as I need to take off a few pounds (the holidays treated me well!). I don't know how you guys do it - I AM SO BORED in the gym.
    I have to take off the wight and eat better otherwise my doctor threatened me with going on Metformin drug for diabetes. I fell off the wagon....

    5 years ago I was on the Metformin drug for 6 months and got my weight and eating under control. I hated the drug so bad and the drug hated me. Everyday on my way to work it felt like someone was punching me in the gut after I took the pill.
    Guess I better get my ARSE in gear!
    crispyboy , Jan 6, 2015
  6. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    Unfortunately, there is nothing easy about starting an exercise program. The best thing to do is exactly what you have started. Begin an activity and let it grow from there. If you are consistent, you will find that your exercise options will expand (the more you exercise, the better shape you will be in, the more energy you will have, the more you will want to do, etc.)
    jgillott , Jan 6, 2015
  7. Deleted member 995608

    I run regularly and drive down the hill to a little gym 4-5 days a week. I leave the house about 4:30 AM-ish to workout. By the time I get back, it's time to kick everyone outta bed for school. I've been having to wait until the afternoon hours to run because I just can't run anymore when it's only 27 outside.

    I finished the Insanity series last year in about 120 days or so. I really didn't lose any weight but it bumped my cardio capacity by quite a bit. It also helped me drop my 5k runs to under 30 minutes which was huge to me because I was stuck at 32/33 minutes forever.

    I did my first ever Crossfit class on Dec 22 2014 with my brother in law who is 51 and has been doing this class for a year. The 'thrusters' and 'box jumps' killed my legs. I was really embarrassed that at 38, Crossfit took me out for about 6-7 days before I could run comfortably again. Thses classes are expensive too, about $110 average per month and I'd have to drive almost an hour, 1 way.
    Deleted member 995608 , Jan 6, 2015

    Before you go in for a physical and do blood work to check for Diabetes, Drink an Ocean of water for a week or two before you go your Blood sugar will be down, Don't do much for the AIC in the short run, but if you drink water like your suppose to anyway your AIC will be down also.

    I drink a gallon a day of water or I don't feel right, almost double that in the warmer months. I drink coffee to excess in the colder months and when driving some place. Milk and Dairy is my Devil I cant do without it. Pretty much all of our dairy is NON Processed. I like the real stuff, Butter, Cheese, Milk both Cow and Goat, and all the stuff that's made from dairy, that's the wife's job, I get to tend to the animals.

    Cardio is where we go for most of the workout, We don't need to look like Charles Atlas. WE LIKE TO EAT my Cardio workout is what lets me eat what ever I want!!
    I switch off every other day (weather permitting in winter) 1 1/2 to 2 hrs of Interval training on Elliptical, the other day is 50k (about 31 miles) of cross country skiing best time on that is 3:20:55 I don't always do that it was a race and I lost my breakfast, lunch and I believe? a Nut when I BARFED at the end of the race.

    Lifting is on a Smith Machine in the Basement workout room ( BORING) I don't always use machinery to get things done around the place, Cutting tree rounds with a 2 man crosscut saw is a workout, use a sledge hammer and wedge or Axe to split wood, unload 2 hay trucks back to back putting it in the loft will get your attention using a rope hoist to lift it. I feel the best workout for strength is HARD WORK you get the balance also. Sit ups and push ups come while the wife watches TV every commercial drop and do as many push ups as you can EVERY COMMERICAL by the end of the night its not hard to do 400 or so same with the sit ups the next evening. On those I have a 125 lbs of wife sit on my back while I do the pushups, sit up I most often have a 25lbs weight plate held on my chest on a pretty steep incline board.

    Like I said for us its mainly Cardio, when we get done with it we look like we just got out of a swimming pool YOU NEED TO SWEAT!!
    BIGNASTY , Jan 6, 2015
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