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  1. bighammer

    Not sure of the replacement cost with only 1 original key. I'm thinking about locating the the chip I have now next to the sensor module, and then I could just use regular keys. The truck is looking old and not a theft target. (low crime area)

    Anybody know anything about modifying these inconvenience features?
    bighammer , May 4, 2007
  2. Grizzly

    You should have received a tag with your keys. With that tag you can order a replacement through the dealer or maybe they can make one.

    For those of you that do not have a third chipped key, I would have one made in case you loose one of your originals. My dealer cut a blank chipped key for me free of charge and I programmed it with the two originals. Instructions on programming are in the Owners Guide.
    Grizzly , May 4, 2007
  3. Jeepstang

    That's good to know that they can be programmed with 2 keys

    we have been using the DRB tool to make keys. We just installed a 2005 4. 0engine into a 1980 CJ-7 we had to transfer the controller and key into the CJ at first we taped it to the outside of the controller and it would not start we had to put the key inside of the box and it starts every time. the engine controller has the VIN# which matches the key etc so it all had to go into the CJ my point is that you may need to put your key inside of the plastic box for it to work
    Jeepstang , May 4, 2007
  4. Bob4x4

    Once the ecm is tyed to a skim key,it will always be a skim system. To eliminate it would take a diff. ecm and tossing the skim module before the ecm is plugged in.

    Bob4x4 , May 4, 2007
  5. merryman

    Bob 4X4
    I would appreciate it if you would elaborate a little on your statment, "once the ecm is tyed to a skim key it is allways a skim system". .
    Do you mean that it one places a chipped key (such as for my O6) Ram, near the ignition i. e. as in the housing around the ignition switch, and uses a regular non-chiped key to drive the truck that they can't just remove the placed chip key and go back to the original system?
    I have been considering that approach (together with my home made anti-theft system), but I don't want to screw something up.

    Thanks for any help understanding the consequences of the system

    merryman , May 4, 2007
  6. bighammer

    I've searched thru my files and found no key codes or tags. I need to look in the truck, it might be in the glovebox or owners manual, but I seriously doubt it.

    I might have a key cut and see if I can tape the original key to the module or near the ignition switch and get it to work.

    It's rare that I lose keys and stuff, but I haven't seen them for a couple months, so it's looking like it's really gone.
    bighammer , May 4, 2007
  7. seemore

    I'm pretty sure a skim or chipped truck won't run with a non chipped key. Or at least my '06 won't. It will start & run about 2 or 3 seconds then stall! I think if you try to start it 5 or 6 times without the computer seeing the signal from the chipped key you have to tow it to the dealer ot have the computer reset. I think, but have been wrong b4!!:confused:
    seemore , May 4, 2007
  8. seemore

    I don't remember getting any tags either, other than the Dealer's paper tag with their stock # on it.
    seemore , May 4, 2007
  9. sag2 TDR MEMBER

    Bob meant that once an ECU sees a SKIM module, it is forever married to that SKIM module and will always need a chipped key. The only way to run a DC vehicle that has SKIM without a chipped key is to replace the ECM and remove the SKIM module before plugging in the new ECM. That is a $1000. 00+ project, so it would not be the method of choice unless your ECM goes bad for some reason.

    You can however attach the head of a SKIM key next to the antenna inside the steering column shroud and use a non chipped key. The rental car companies sometimes do that because they loose so many keys and at $60 each it starts to get expensive. You loose the security of the SKIM module, but if you have another anti theft system you are probably just as safe.

    They keys come shipped in a zip lock bag about three inches square. On the bag are the key and SKIM codes. If not, your dealer can look up the code(s) on DealerConnect.
    sag2 , May 5, 2007
  10. Msilbernagel

    I believe the reason for not making it easy to bypass/remove a SKIM equipped system is simple - make it difficult for thieves.

    However, having said that, there are systems out there for reprogramming the ECU to run without. It may make life more difficult if you're in the warranty cycle, however, because Dodge's systems look at the VIN/manuf codes and expect everything to be as it was originally at the factory - so flashes, etc. could be problematic.

    When we put a Cummins in our Suburban, the engine came out of a wrecked Dodge located at a yard. The original truck had shipped with a SKIM, but we reprogrammed the ECM to not require it. The SKIM is integrated with the dash system and I didn't want to port that into the Sub too!

    I don't believe a dealer can do that for you, by the way.

    Since pulling in with a Cummins equipped GMC isn't likely to result in warranty claims, and I don't expect any urgent reflashes will be necessary from this point, I should be good to go!

    FYI - Mark
    Msilbernagel , May 5, 2007
  11. Bob4x4

    Sorry I guess I should have elaberated more. What I was trying to get across was that on any Ecm that is on a vehicle with the sentry key system. it will not be able to go back to a non-sentry operation mode. In the early days of remote start systems they were doing what you propose doing,leaving a programed key near the module. That will work,you just loose the security.

    Bob4x4 , May 5, 2007
  12. sag2 TDR MEMBER

    How did you reprogram the ECM to not require SKIM? I don't know of a way to do it using any factory software.
    sag2 , May 5, 2007
  13. Grizzly

    My keys came in a zip lock baggie along with a code tag.
    Grizzly , May 6, 2007
  14. bighammer

    Maybe that's something on the newer trucks. Mine had no bag, tag, or numbers that I saw.
    bighammer , May 7, 2007
  15. Grizzly

    I believe the 03's were included.
    Grizzly , May 8, 2007
  16. bighammer

    I called the dealer and they weren't aware of any numbers. :rolleyes: They said a key was almost $60 and programming was another $20. I found a key blank on eBay for $7. 95 + $6. 49 shipping. We'll see.....
    bighammer , May 9, 2007
  17. Bob4x4

    The dealer can pull up your numbers through the dealer connect web site but they are supposed to verify you are the owner first. They can accsess the cut code as well as the pin that will be needed to program the key.

    Bob4x4 , May 9, 2007
  18. AMink TDR MEMBER

    Look in the orange box that you use on your boat to keep spare spark plugs etc. :-laf That's where mine were. Of course, I sold that truck and cut all the locks that I had keys for. Found them 11 months later. Guess I need to use my boat more often.
    AMink , May 9, 2007
  19. bighammer

    THE BOAT!! What a good idea. It's quite possible they're in there. Got to check that out... .

    bighammer , May 9, 2007
  20. bighammer

    They weren't in the boat. I ordered a key from eBay and had it cut at the hardware store. (they did it free) I took it to the dealer and he said it would be $20 to program it, and after connecting his computer thingy and looking up the PIN, it wouldn't work. Something is either wrong wiht my SKIM module, or the PIN is wrong. (he double checked it) Bottom line is no more keys can be programmed if the SKIM module can't be unlocked.
    bighammer , May 18, 2007
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