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  1. RodMorris TDR MEMBER

    I have an early 2007 2500. It has 400,000 miles on it. I've replaced the front brakes 3 times, including rotors the last time. I got rotors and pads for the rear, but once I got the caliper off the pads were only worn down about 10%. My rear brakes have never seemed to work well - is there a proportioning valve or something that needs adjusting?
    RodMorris , Feb 8, 2022
  2. Yo Hoot TDR MEMBER

    I dont know about a proportioning valve but I would go over the calipers. If you don't tear them down completely. At least make sure the pistons move freely and the guide rods.... bolts are smooth and not rusted.
    Yo Hoot , Feb 8, 2022
    Diesel Gunner and Darkbloodmon like this.
  3. Darkbloodmon TDR MEMBER

    x2 and making sure the assembly slides as it should and doesn't stick, Do you live in a corrosive climate?
    Darkbloodmon , Feb 8, 2022

    My 05 stuck both calipers on the slide pins, so only the inside pad did any work. Of course when I would look at them from the outside it looked like the brakes were hardly wearing. I would have gotten 200K+ out of them if I had greased the slide pins sooner than 130K miles.
    AH64ID , Feb 8, 2022
    Diesel Gunner likes this.
  5. RodMorris TDR MEMBER

    I'm in North Carolina, so not corrosive. I'll check out the movement of the calipers.
    RodMorris , Feb 9, 2022
  6. bcbender TDR MEMBER

    Maybe... but I've had 3rd gen calipers stick and SMOKE in NC due to corrosion .. keep an eye on sliding parts, FWIW my 2020 has been parked here in "NC" due to the weather and agregious amount of brine being laid down the past few weeks........
    bcbender , Feb 9, 2022
    AH64ID likes this.

    I’m in S. Idaho which is not a corrosive environment and my pins stuck.
    AH64ID , Feb 9, 2022
  8. bcbender TDR MEMBER

    I wish I was in ID~!
    bcbender , Feb 9, 2022
    AH64ID likes this.
  9. crispyboy

    I have been doing preventative brake maintenance every three years which includes swapping out the brake fluid and greasing the slide pins.
    crispyboy , Feb 9, 2022
    bighammer, Diesel Gunner and seafish like this.
  10. Ozymandias TDR MEMBER

    Drive empty and your rear brakes are hardly ever used especially with a driver that feathers the pedal.

    Brake distribution is done electronically through the ABS unit, so there is no way to interfer with that.
    Ozymandias , Feb 10, 2022
  11. Deathrowdave

    My 05 has 39K on the clock sitting in a controlled garage , rear caliper piston stuck . I’m thinking as suggested , you have a caliper issue . Maybe a hose also .
    Deathrowdave , Feb 12, 2022
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