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    Went to the 500 today wasn't overly impressed with the venue.

    The amazing part to me is the cars themselves, Ive always became attached to modes of transportation. My first car is a Cherished memory, The aircraft that I worked on in the Air Force, the truck when I was an O/O to the Dodge that I have now.

    The ABSOLUTE TORTURE that these Motors endure is AWSOME!!!!!!

    I have some more pictures & a couple of vid's that ill try to get up when I'm not so tired
    BIGNASTY , May 27, 2018
  2. TMyers

    A few years ago, I was amazed when the Honda engines were running 16,000 rpm's. They've restricted them now to 12K.
    TMyers , May 27, 2018

    Out of the TOP 8 qualifiers 7 were Chevy??

    Chevy use to be cheap horsepower.
    BIGNASTY , May 28, 2018
    Bill Lins likes this.

    Did you tour the museum there? In the museum at Indy is a very unique race car it is a Cummins Indy car that did actually participated in the INDY 500 during the 50's.
    Jim W , May 28, 2018

    No we didn't we can return when theres less people, and can take our time to enjoy it.
    BIGNASTY , May 28, 2018
  6. Lynx0849

    Back in ‘03 I got to have dinner on the brickyard at a private party organized by Harley Davidson as part of their 100 year anniversary.

    Awesome place. Got to ride my scoot twice around the track. Will never forget that.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2022
    Lynx0849 , May 29, 2018
  7. Mark31 TDR MEMBER

    I guess the biggest thing for me to grasp is at 16k rpm, a piston has to go to the top, stop, go to the bottom, stop, 16,000 times a minute. The acceleration forces must be astronomical! How can pistons not be snatched in a zillion pieces every time the pistons start down, (particularly) on exhaust stroke? It appears that these people have cancelled the laws of inertia! Sheesh!!
    Mark31 , May 30, 2018

    My wife asked why they burn rubber out of the pits, she's like most females and didn't think about the gear ratio needed for 225MPH isn't very good for dead stop starts without smoking and heating up the tires a little. Although with 90* temps the track got a little slick with more rubber laid down. Towards the end when the cautions came out you could tell a big difference in the way the motors sounded, it was still getting the fuel it started with but the high RPM for a few hundred miles took its toll and backfires at lower speeds. I thought that the Verizon cars & the Fuzzy Vodka car would be the winner at the first of the race they sounded really strong. It was a fun experiance but the track its self needs to be addressed. After 102 years it needed to be moved, Speedway IN isn't a. real nice town and there was absolutely no parking and with a few hundred thousand people trying to leave at the same time was awesome, lucky for us I parked across the street at a Fuel loading rack.
    BIGNASTY , May 31, 2018
  9. TMyers

    Have you ever been down to Augusta, Ga.? Home of the Master's Golf Tournament. Television shows the Azaleas in bloom and the greenest grass. The golf course is great... The town, not so much! It's been nicknamed "Discusta".
    TMyers , May 31, 2018

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    BIGNASTY , May 31, 2018
  11. MarkEagleUSA TDR MEMBER

    Never been to the 500 but went to the inaugural Brickyard 400 in 94 followed by 95, 97, 99, and 2000. Went to the museum that first year... very impressive. The entire speedway is just steeped in history and tradition.

    I was told that the Indy crowd is totally different from the NASCAR crowd... locals said they preferred the gold ol' boys over the wine & cheese folks.

    I agree that getting out after a race can be an adventure, but I liked the location of the track myself.
    MarkEagleUSA , May 31, 2018
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