1. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Looking at things day after day one tends to not see the beauty all around. Maine is beautiful!!

    This guy is doing several aerial videos, two are up so far. If he gets to my house I'll put that one up as well..

    I don't know why I am having trouble embedding the link, if you are on Facebook hit the "Watch On Facebook" text within the black box....

    I am a bit North of the Lincoln Center video....

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
    mwilson , Aug 2, 2018
  2. DavidC

    Bummer, unavailable and I do not do facebook. I do agree it is a beautiful state year round, I just do not want to be out in the winter. I am getting old enough I would not be able to tell if I am frozen or rigamortis has set in. :D. The other draw back is rust.

    DavidC , Aug 2, 2018
    Bill Lins likes this.
  3. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    I'm reaching out to the guy to see if I can get him to change his settings......
    mwilson , Aug 2, 2018
  4. Wayne M.

    Working my way up there is on the list. Burlington Vt is the furthest north I’ve ever been.
    Wayne M. , Aug 2, 2018
  5. DavidC

    Vermont is also a beautiful state, to bad there are a lot of fruit cakes tho. We moved there around 2k and it was suppose to be the safest state. I found otherwise as their laws are a little strange with one being "Your car wasn't stolen, it was borrowed with out owners consent", WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I saw quite a bit of gay,lesbian activity and drugs. There are a lot of hippies with tye dyed shirts still running around. I could not raise my daughter in that environment so back to Az. we went. Been quite a few years now and maybe some change has happened.

    DavidC , Aug 2, 2018
  6. jhenderson

    Change? Yes. For the better? No.
    jhenderson , Aug 2, 2018
  7. Wayne M.

    There’s a running joke about Subaru’s with Vermont tags. Liberal/ Hillary/ Obama stickers on the back optional.
    Wayne M. , Aug 2, 2018
  8. Lynx0849

    Isn’t the Subaru the VT state car?

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2022
    Lynx0849 , Aug 7, 2018
    Wayne M. likes this.
  9. TFucili

    I think that's Colorado...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2022
    TFucili , Aug 7, 2018
  10. DavidC

    Probably a VW bus.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2022
    DavidC , Aug 7, 2018
  11. The patriot

    Just off the phone with my parents.
    Theyre expecting 95 degrees there today.
    Heat wave is 3 weeks long so far.
    The patriot , Aug 7, 2018
  12. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    It's nasty for us cold weather types right now.....
    mwilson , Aug 7, 2018
  13. Wayne M.

    I’ve been to Vermont a couple of times and the place is jammed with Subies. There’s even specialty shops catering to the cars.
    Wayne M. , Aug 7, 2018
  14. DavidC

    So What's the story with Subaru's ?

    DavidC , Aug 7, 2018

    Subrau has a big plant near Lafayette IN lots of large oil spots on the road from where the motors LET GO!!
    BIGNASTY , Aug 7, 2018
  16. fest3er

    Yes, it's probably safe to say that Subies are highly aggressive--even to the point of self-destruction--in marking their territory. Just like many of their owners.
    fest3er , Aug 7, 2018
  17. Wayne M.

    Well, here’s my view on Subies.

    As a young kid I grew up around SAABs. Anyone remember the old ones? The one that made them popular in the US, The 96?
    upload_2018-8-7_16-21-11.jpeg #ad

    And the wagon version, the 95.
    Imagine being dropped off at school in this thing!

    These were real popular with certain people who became SAAB people. Most being in New England and the Pacific NW. They were kinda quirky, well built, thrifty, pretty strong with the Ford V4, only came with a 4 speed on the column, with a unique freewheeling transaxle. It was fantastic in the snow. After all it was made in Sweden by airplane people. It had all sorts of forward thinking safety features. It competed with Volvo like Chevy fought with Ford.
    With the onslaught of the Asian cars, SAAB began its upscale market climb with the 99, and eventually reaching poster car status with the 900 turbo in the mid ‘80’s.
    They abandoned the cult SAAB folks they won.
    Enter Subaru! While they were already in the country importing little junk boxes like the 2 stroke 600, they hit it out of the park with this.
    upload_2018-8-7_16-33-15.jpeg #ad

    Anyone remember this one?
    It was around 1978, and my Dad didn’t work for SAAB anymore, but he still had a 95. Now a family friend went and got one of these Subies, and just like how the Datsun Z car replaces the MG and Triumph, this AWD Swiss watch came to the rescue of SAAB people longing for a new 95 or 96. The rest is history. Putting this car side by side with a 96 made us sick, just like how the Z car did and the Kaw 1000 hurt the Sportster.
    The popularity and snow worthiness of these everyday cars and wagons are why it’s THE car to have in New England- Vermont in particular. Of note is their marketing strategy. Earlier this year at the NY Auto show, where guys are voting on the best turntable model representing the brands, there were no turntables at Subaru. Only Subie people walking around in sneakers, jeans and white polo shirts. Genius.
    Wayne M. , Aug 7, 2018
  18. Bill Lins

    Google Subaru head gaskets- there'll be your answer.
    Bill Lins , Aug 8, 2018
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