1. DavidC

    I do not think life will be the same if this ever gets under control or it will take a very long time to get back to some kind of normalcy. There is talk of the virus becoming seasonal and when/if they come up with a vaccine may require yearly shots like the flu. Now there are different versions of the flu every year and sometimes they get the vaccine close so the question of different versions of the Covid coming each year.
    DavidC , Apr 6, 2020
    jgillott, HPSimpson and TFucili like this.
  2. Timd32 TDR MEMBER

    Agree, right now if you look at the normal flu reports they seem to track the following. Most states already track all these.

    H1N1 (2009)
    Flu A
    Flu B
    Rapid Flu Test

    Flu B is the most common for NJ this season, Flu A is the least common.

    They also track all tests and then positive, of course they stopped updating it past the first week of March.


    So it's just going to get it's own line item on here most likely.

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    Timd32 , Apr 6, 2020
    jgillott and DavidC like this.
  3. Timd32 TDR MEMBER

    Agree on the seasonal, IMO it will drop down then ramp up a bit exactly as you mentioned.

    We crushed the numbers for 19

    Current numbers posted for NJ.

    Note on the negative tests, NJ really clamped down on only testing symptomatic persons, so it was running like 65% negative, that is pulling back a bit, you also need to qualify by being negative from all those others before getting the test in some areas.


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    Timd32 , Apr 6, 2020
    DavidC and promisedland like this.
  4. Wiredawg

    I believe it will take time, but we will get back to normal. There have been plagues and flu epidemics that killed millions.

    "Throughout history, there have been a number of pandemics of diseases such as smallpox and tuberculosis. The most devastating pandemic was the Black Death (also known as the Plague), which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century."

    So, folks who lost family and friends will always remember their loss, and possibly the Federal government will have a different perspective and process to address pandemics, epidemics, and other emergencies.

    The best everyone can do to get there is follow directions.

    Here's to the future, Ron
    Wiredawg , Apr 6, 2020
    jgillott, HPSimpson, DavidC and 3 others like this.
  5. Regcabguy

    Maybe at the least we stockpile more medical supplies,resume making masks by a manufacturer here instead of being dependent on the Chinese. Same deal with medicine manufacturing. The overwhelming majority of ingredients for antibiotics are made in India and China. And how about paying yourself forward and backing off on the lattes and expensive bank owned vehicles? Get some cash in the bank. Even if it's $10-$20 a paycheck. https://www.wired.com/story/surreal-frenzy-inside-us-biggest-mask-maker/
    Regcabguy , Apr 6, 2020
  6. TFucili

    I hope the "globalisers" can now see that maybe, just maybe domestic manufacturing should NOT be a thing of the past, as was their mantra. Wishful thinking, I'm sure.
    TFucili , Apr 6, 2020
  7. SnoKing TDR MEMBER

    The "globalisers" are those with all the money that own basically everything including our government. They are not going to give up their control willingly! This is but a bump in the road to them.
    SnoKing , Apr 6, 2020
  8. JR

    Strangely enough milk prices are at a long time low of $12/100. My cousin, who took the farm over when my uncle unexpectedly passed can't remember when it was this low. He's also been told beef is the lowest it's been in 30 years. He's expecting the phone call to dump his tanks any day now which hasn't happened on that farm since either of us have been alive.

    Bad times we are in indeed.
  9. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    I am trying to think of the positive things that are going to happen when this is over. First and foremost, I think that many of us are going to appreciate our jobs, our churches, and our leisure activities more than ever. When things are suddenly taken away from you, you realize how much you may have been taking them for granted.

    Second, and no less important than above, I truly think that we are going to appreciate the time we spend with our families more than ever. For anyone that has a teenager like I do, you know that they are running constantly during the week on a normal basis. School, sports, and activities are scheduled nearly every day. My kids and I have had the opportunity to do things as a family over the last few weeks that we haven't done in years. We've sat at the piano and sang songs together, we've sat on the porch and just read a book and listed to the birds, and we have even sat a prayed together at times when we would usually have been in church.

    I don't expect that we will never go back to the hectic lives that we were living. But, I believe that we will think a little more carefully before we schedule so many useless activities and lose so much family time.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
    jgillott , Apr 6, 2020
  10. DavidC

    I saw on the news the other day where Dairy Farmers across the nation were dumping milk.
    DavidC , Apr 6, 2020
  11. JR

    Dave, I suspect it's probably the mega dairies that are being told to dump. They can absorb losses in the interim easier than the small family owned farms like my cousin who hovers right around 300 milking head.
    Wiredawg, brucejohnson and DavidC like this.
  12. TFucili

    There was a time when milking 300 head was a big operation. Times have sure changed.
    TFucili , Apr 7, 2020

    Hoping Its Alright to + my 2,Cents. For us we will continue like we have been. Its always been about family for us, at our group breakfast just now we noticed that our thoughts ran parallel to that of Gail's, being MORE!! prepared. I think we all took for granted that we are safe, the only two that never said much more than " You Better Hope So" were our two former Military our Daughter & Gail. I guess when you haven't seen the things that they have, its hard to comprehend why its so important for them to be prepared for any eventuality.

    BIGNASTY , Apr 7, 2020
    Wiredawg, brucejohnson and DavidC like this.


    We just remembered one time when our Son didn't want to help his Father in some of his preparations. They had a HUGE argument when Gail came up with this after he was asked why he thought it was so important to be prepared for WW III.

    After he said this he laughed and said that Jack didn't have ANYTHING ON HIM :D

    BIGNASTY , Apr 7, 2020
    Bill Lins and brucejohnson like this.
  15. Jim W TDR MEMBER

    My wife's high school girl friend husband was a dairy farmer in Harvard IL. Who has retired from farming, but still has friends farming in the area, they have been dumping milk starting last week as their holding tanks are full!

    Her friend was blaming President Trump for this issue! She blames him for of the ill's in the world. Needless to say I am not allow to discuss politics with her by my Domestic Supervisor!
    Jim W , Apr 7, 2020
  16. Regcabguy

    They've dumped it in the past and reduced their herds when it wasn't profitable. Nothing new.
    Regcabguy , Apr 7, 2020
  17. SnoKing TDR MEMBER

    At least someone in the midwest gets it!
    SnoKing , Apr 7, 2020
  18. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    YEP, Trumps fault people are buying more long lasting food products right now. Also not going to the store every few days to buy perishables.

    Try to find a bag of beans or rice a couple weeks ago. I just received my 80oz tub of Adams Crunchy Peanut Butter a week after ordering. Most other AMAZON stores had it out another week or so.
    Cummins12V98 , Apr 7, 2020
    Bill Lins likes this.
  19. DavidC

    My take is there are just a lot of people when God was handing out brains and they thought he said trains and wanted a small set. So the people criticizing how all of this is being handled think they have better ideas, so lets hear the great plans.
    DavidC , Apr 7, 2020
  20. SnoKing TDR MEMBER

    To late the opportunity was pissed away in January!
    SnoKing , Apr 7, 2020
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