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  1. Sarge

    :--) It finally happened. Today on the way home from work, I passed a filling station and saw the price of diesel... ... ... $3. 00 a gallon. It makes me furious that the oil companies can bend us over any time they want, for any lousy reason. Kind of makes me re-think any BOMBS that are going to further reduce my MPG. I know, life's too short to worry about gas mileage, but lets be serious here. I hate California!! A couple years and I'm moving out. So what's the price in your state? It can't be as bad as this crummy place... ..... can it?? :rolleyes:
    Sarge , Aug 5, 2005
  2. Double J

    Topped off today... . $2. 26 a gallon in AK.
    Double J , Aug 5, 2005
  3. RMarkey

    It's about $2. 70 /gal here in AZ, I think it was $2. 75/gal for road diesel, and it's about 5 cents cheaper for reg diesel. At first I thought I couldn't afford the truck, but figured that out, now I'm not gonna be able to afford to drive the truck. They said the Diesel was a record high here or something. Stupid oil companies! I know it's still cheaper than overseas, I've seem it, but still, jack up the price of something else addictive, not our go juice!
    RMarkey , Aug 6, 2005
  4. Bob Wagner

    make ya #@$%!

    Bob Wagner , Aug 6, 2005
  5. DHayden

    Yes it is the oil companies but..... it's also our own stupidity. There is no federal regulation on fuel and each state is allowed to set its own standards for there fuel. So instead of oil refineries pumping out 1 type of fuel, even if the one type was what Kalifornia wanted, they have to pump out fuel to meet over 2 dozen different standards. When Kalifornia had the pipeline problem they had to bring fuel from 3 or 4 states away that met "their" standards because Nevada's and Oregon's didnt meet the requirements.

    After all what difference does it make? Truckers and even cars buy fuel from one state and pallute it across several states so why have a different standard in one state than in another? No problems if they made the one with the highest standards as long as they just made one.

    Even a savings of 5 or 10 cents a gallon would add up, not to mention you wouldnt get gouged as bad when there is a supply disruption..... OK I'm done.
    DHayden , Aug 6, 2005
  6. Po' Riggity

    Hey, at least in that photo, the price of 87 is the same price as diesel. Here in so cal, at my local station, 87 was 2. 47/gallon and diesel is 2. 99/gallon. . Go figure. I guess we all gotta pay to play.

    Po' Riggity , Aug 6, 2005
  7. BBell

    Diesel is $2. 39 here. . or at least it was today. I saw a few stations had raised their gas prices on my way home but not my usual stop. Guess I will find out Monday if they go up too :{
    BBell , Aug 6, 2005
  8. MMeier

    Supposed to hit $3. 00 a gallon here by next weekend, even off road( for those that run it here) is upwards of $2. 30 from the distributor :eek: Thank god for my 100 gallon aux tank and my trips to Oklahoma every other week! Was $2. 129 last Saturday when I was back there.
    MMeier , Aug 6, 2005
  9. jimnance

    The official U. S. DOE price report is here

    This was last updated early this week and represents the previous weeks data. From what I see here in CA this week, west coast prices will jump close to $. 20/gallon in next weeks report.

    So. Cal. has been severely affected, supposedly due to a refinery fire a couple of weeks back. :-{}

    Hopefully, things will settle back in a few weeks before the annual rise in prices as the refiners begin cranking up home heating oil production. Assuming crude prices remain stable I expect west coast prices to range from $2. 50 to $2. 90 per gallon. Naturally, the gulf coast prices will be lower.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2018
    jimnance , Aug 6, 2005
  10. tgbol

    Hey Sarge the crooks at Centinela and Olympic are at 3. 25. They cater to the WLA

    crowd. Monday at the truck stop in Long Beach I paid 2. 63 that night it went to 2. 77
    tgbol , Aug 6, 2005
  11. hammersley

    This is BS

    "So. Cal. has been severely affected, supposedly due to a refinery fire a couple of weeks back. "

    I get so sick of this BS!!!!!!!! This is the same CRAP these Frigging clowns pulled with ENRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hammersley , Aug 6, 2005
  12. roverhybrids

    just thought of my new add:

    Diesel 3. 099 per gallon

    waste vegetable oil FREE!!

    any questions??
    roverhybrids , Aug 6, 2005
  13. rbattelle TDR MEMBER


    rbattelle , Aug 6, 2005
  14. Scrappy

    run at least a blend of biodiesel, that way we are sending less of our money to the middle east and more here for our people. that might also lower demand for "their" oil and prices might go down some. BTW can biodiesel be burned in place of home fuel oil?
    Scrappy , Aug 6, 2005
  15. EBottema

    I just went to the fuel station yesterday, 2. 93 a gallon? What the heck is the reasons for this price increase other than that fire?? This is crazy
    EBottema , Aug 6, 2005
  16. Jerry J

    Michigan Diesel

    Today it's $2. 38 in Western Michigan..... hey, I thought it cost less to produce diesel. If so, how come regular is the same price!!! :-{}
    Jerry J , Aug 6, 2005
  17. tobaccogrower

    $175. 9 for me last week when i filled my 500 gallon tank at the farm. i figure the goverment screwes me every chance they get. so hey, it's #2 for me. $3. 00 per gallon is BS! buy a oil tank, put it behind the garadge, and save 2 bucks a gallon. i know if i get cought the fines will be steep. i dont think they will pull me over and dip my tank on my personal truck..... james :D
    tobaccogrower , Aug 6, 2005
  18. bmoeller

    One other thing to consider. TREE HUGGERS! The #@$%! polititans don't have to go nads to stand up to them. They take the money and do what the extremists want, to shut them up and line the pockets.

    Pumping oil really isn't the problem. It is refining capacity. There hasn't been a refinery built in the US since probably the time I was born. They just can't meet the demand sufficiently. Once we squash the wackos, then maybe something will get built here, other than relying on ethonol and soy-diesel. Illinois isn't gonna have much of a corn crop. The ADM corn processor in Peoria is getting train loads of corn from Iowa, instead of here, because many parts of Iowa are going to have another huge crop. We won't. I've seen some fields that they might as well mow it all down, because it probably won't be worth the fuel to run the combine across the field. :(
    bmoeller , Aug 6, 2005
  19. DHayden

    Because we are exporting Diesel to Europe to help offset our gas price.
    DHayden , Aug 6, 2005
  20. rbattelle TDR MEMBER

    I disagree that refining capacity is the important issue. Here's my argument. Let's look at things from a refiner's perspective. Imagine you own a refinery and you're operating it at 100% capacity. Furthermore, you're able to sell every last ounce of what you're producing at a very high price: you're making money hand-over-fist. The public is literally beating down your front door begging for your product, and it seems like no matter how much the price increases, demand just keeps increasing with it (wasn't there a stat recently that this summer has seen the highest highway miles traveled in history for this part of the year?).

    Now let's imagine the government says "okay, we need to lower gas prices" and lifts some of the environmental restrictions (which some debate actually make it impossible to build a new refinery at all) toward building a new refinery. And they even offer to give you a big plot of federal land to build it on.

    Since you've gotten powerful enough to actually own a refinery, you're probably pretty smart. So are you going to take the government's offer? I'm not sure that would be a smart move. There you are, making more money than you ever dreamed possible and selling nearly 100% of your product and you're going to go invest billions of that profit into a new facility when you could just sit tight and wait for the buying public and the auto manufacturers to embrace fuel-efficient engines (or things like ethanol and biodiesel)? As soon as they do, guess what? Your demand is going to drop and you run the very real risk of being unable to cover your debts incurred from building that fancy new refinery. End result: company goes bust.

    If I owned a refinery, I'd sit tight and let prices climb absolutely unhindered. Eventually, the market will shift to fuel efficient transportation and demand for my product would fall off and I'd retire and buy an island (a whole island). Live out my days with my wife on a secluded beach somewhere near Hawaii.

    -Ryan :)
    rbattelle , Aug 6, 2005
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