1. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins, JR and TFucili like this.
  2. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Better one...

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins likes this.
  3. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Another way.....

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins likes this.
  4. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    An older one from Facebook, can't find it on YouTube..

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins likes this.
  5. DavidC

    Nothing else to do Mike :D. Very ingenious ideas especially for their time and all without computers.
    DavidC , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and mwilson like this.
  6. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Mental Health Break while shoveling in lunch 2 hours late...;);)
    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and TFucili like this.
  7. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Genius Engineering has some neat stuff if one follows them on Facebook. Some is real, some is CGI....but some talent there nonetheless.....

    This one is pretty cool and also relaxing to watch...

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and Wayne M. like this.
  8. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    And things like this..

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
  9. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    And this...

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and Wayne M. like this.
  10. Jim W TDR MEMBER

    I thought you would have posted something about the Tucker cars in the late 40's too. They had a third headlight in the middle of the car, that would swivel as you turned to light the road better. I also believe the cars had seat belts, a padded dash and other innovations that did or did not get picked up buy the auto industry.
    Jim W , Jan 4, 2019
    mwilson likes this.
  11. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    This is absolutely a great idea. Sure will save me from the mess of trying to use a bucket and a standard funnel.
    jgillott , Jan 4, 2019
    Ozymandias likes this.
  12. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Off track a little, but check out the 1960 Jeep commercial that I just received....

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
  13. TFucili

    My buddy had an old catalog of their implements. They had some wicked looking non -OSHA approved type stuff.
    TFucili , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins, mwilson and DavidC like this.
  14. Wayne M.

    What a great diversion from the politics and crap news we steadily diet on.
    Now to dub some Pink Floyd into that crazy video!
    Wayne M. , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins likes this.
  15. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    I'm doing my best not to pay attention to the news anymore. Just get up, go to work, repeat as necessary.

    I started reading again when I have a free moment. A lot less stressful than the things on tv.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
    jgillott , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and Wayne M. like this.
  16. TFucili

    I have not watched the news for a couple years. Much better off for it.
    TFucili , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and jgillott like this.
  17. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    mwilson , Jan 4, 2019
    Bill Lins and Wayne M. like this.
  18. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    I found that changing my web browser home over from MSN or whatever to our company page keeps me from getting a distracting blast of news everytime that I open a new window... Works well...
    mwilson , Jan 5, 2019
    Wayne M., jgillott and TFucili like this.
  19. jgillott TDR MEMBER

    Thankfully, work is all locked down and we don't get the news pushes on our browser unless we actively look for it.

    Our phones are all android and I use a Chromebook at home, so I get the Google feeds at the bottom. But, since my searches and Web usage are usually auto related, I normally get Nascar news or diesel topics.

    The only news I actually normally look at is our local newspaper. Funny side story, as you guys know, we have my parents living with us due to health issues and also my aunt (my dad's sister). She will be 91 in February. Anyway, we have 5 TV's in the house. When we would get home from work, 2 would be on Fox News, 1 on CNN, 1 on MSNBC, and one on the EWTN Catholic network. None of them can hear, so it would be blasting from every room in the house. My poor father would be standing in the doorway between the family room and living room watching Fox on one and CNN on the other.......swearing constantly at whatever he didn't agree with while my aunt would be blasting the Rosary on EWTN. It would have been frustrating if it wasn't so darn funny to see.

    Anyway, my wife ended up putting parental controls on the cable, blocking the news channels so dad wouldn't have another stroke. Now he watches the Weather Channel 24/7. The Catholic channel is still on, but isn't countered by the swearing.

    Oh the joys of caring for the elderly. :rolleyes:
    jgillott , Jan 5, 2019
    Bill Lins, Wayne M., JR and 2 others like this.
  20. TFucili

    We get the local newspaper. There is so little news in this town it is published once per week! No lie.
    TFucili , Jan 5, 2019
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