1. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    Doesn't look good for FCA and CUMMINS.

    Sorry, read from bottom up.

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    Cummins12V98 , Jun 25, 2024
    Diesel85 likes this.

    Any idea why just those states were chosen?
    TRAMPLINEMAN , Jun 25, 2024
    06 Dodge, Diesel85 and brucejohnson like this.
  3. bcbender TDR MEMBER

    The only ones smiling here are the lawyers and politicians... These cases benefit no one and are a complete waste of our tax dollars and time to work on real issues!
    Byershome, sag2, 06 Dodge and 3 others like this.
  4. bcbender TDR MEMBER

    Likely the states that "allowed" the case to be brought
    Rob S and Diesel85 like this.
  5. endoscott

    "Washcoat defect" and "flash defect"? What do those terms refer to.
    06 Dodge and Diesel85 like this.
  6. Cummins12V98 TDR MEMBER

    More red states than blue on the list.
    Cummins12V98 , Jun 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM
    Rob S and Diesel85 like this.
  7. sag2 TDR MEMBER

    So out of $6 million, the attorneys get $2+ million. Just another hostage law suit where the plaintiffs council get all the rewards.
  8. User113 TDR MEMBER

    From Jeremy Raymo, et al., v. FCA US LLC and Cummins Inc.:

    According to Plaintiffs, the class vehicles contained two defects, which they call the “washcoat defect” and the “flash defect.” The “washcoat defect” refers to a problem with the sealant (or washcoat) used for the SCR’s interior lining. Plaintiffs claim that the type of washcoat used rendered the SCR ineffective in reducing the trucks’ NOx emissions. The “flash defect” refers to a problem of soot build-up in the DPF that Defendants were allegedly fixing by “flashing” or reprogramming the trucks’ Electronic Control Modules to divert more fuel into the exhaust system in order to burn away the excess soot, thereby allegedly reducing fuel mileage at the expense of consumers.
    Tuesdak, 06 Dodge and Diesel85 like this.

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