This may be a stupid question but I wanted to run it by folks here before I bring my truck in to the shop. I adjusted my front band on my 04.5 3500 (48RE) earlier this summer. I followed Dodge specs and backed the screw out 1 3/4 turn after tightening to 72 in lb but the shifting was a mess. I did some more research and found lots of recommendations to back the screw out 2 full turns and that seemed to get things shifting well again. A little while after that my wife commented that my truck was putting out a lot of black smoke.

    When I accelerate from a stop (even light to medium acceleration) I'll get some black smoke that clears once I'm moving. This is the same whether the truck is warm or cold. My question is, could that smoke be due to a misadjusted transmission band? I'm guessing it's not but I'm still learning a lot about working on my truck. I suspect it's the injectors. I have original injectors at 216k miles, and had them pressure tested 2 years ago. The shop said they lost 20 psi over 3 minutes but didn't recommend replacing them at that time. Before I pony up the cash to replace the injectors I just want to make sure there isn't a quicker and cheaper fix. Thanks for any advice!
    AHCO , Aug 23, 2021

    I would also look at the cheap fixes, like air filter, boost leaks, or intake restrictions.

    How much black smoke? Can you see it clearly in the mirror?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
    AH64ID , Aug 23, 2021
    Tuesdak and Darkbloodmon like this.
  3. AHCO

    Air filter was replaced just a couple months ago. I'll try to check for boost leaks this weekend.

    I've angled my passenger mirror down so I can see the tailpipe and I'm getting enough smoke to easily see it in the mirror. It's not a solid black cloud, but enough to where it's very obvious.
    AHCO , Aug 23, 2021

    You can also inspect/clean the IAT and MAP sensors.
    AH64ID , Aug 23, 2021
  5. Tuesdak

    So what? The critters can pack it full in one night. I have failed emissions over this very thing. Other engines have shut down from debris jamming the electric throttle from a critter munched air filter. Just saying start diagnosis over and NOTHING gets a free pass.
    Tuesdak , Aug 26, 2021
    bcbender likes this.
  6. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    Is the truck TOTALLY stock?
    BigPapa , Aug 26, 2021
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