1. MCummings

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2018
    MCummings , Jan 31, 2007
  2. Forrest Nearing

    absolutely retarded...

    what those statistics tell me is that since speed limits on our nation's highways are generally high enough to allow trucks to travel at speeds above 68mph, that only 20% of the accidents happen on the highway! :)

    trucks that are governed to such low speeds cause dangerous situations... I pass those *******s on the right all the time when they're passing another truck and the other truck won't flash them over, so they try to put a couple truck lengths between them... I get impatient and pass on the right... happens all the time.

    that's just ONE reason why it's dangerous and retarded
    Forrest Nearing , Jan 31, 2007
  3. starkmr

    Retarted is not having the patience to wait until he pulls over, creating an even more dangerous situation. These trucks aren't the only ones that travel that speed, many RV's won't and don't drive their rigs over 70. I won't because my fuel mileage goes into the toilet above that.

    Retarted is you jockeys running at 80 mph plus with the attitude that you own the road and everybody needs to get out of your way. I hope when it all goes to hell for you one day, and it will, that you don't kill anybody because you don't have the patience to wait a few seconds for someone to move over out of the way.
    starkmr , Jan 31, 2007
  4. bmoeller

    However, there are some drivers WON'T get back over into the pokey lane when they should. MOST RVers don't go over 70, but have seen plenty that do. Got passed by a commercial TT toter a week or 2 ago, and he said he was doing 85.

    Not all of us that drive 80 in a big truck have that attitude. I don't. The ONLY time I drive that fast, is in states that have a 75mph speed limit. Also depends on the traffic levels and road conditions, and how flat the road is for seeing out a long ways. Needless to say, it is VERY rare that I go that fast.

    Also, when I do stay in the hammer lane for a while, I am always doing mirror checks to see who may be coming up on me to pass. Get over when needed.

    The biggest retards are the ones who are driving WAY to fast for the conditions, i. e. heavy rain or snow. Was driving though IN, and got caught in some lake effect snow. Most of us were doing 20-30mph, and this idiot in a US Express truck was doing at least 60. Couldn't see well at all. Some of us were yelling at him to slow down. Plenty of 4 wheelers were going into the ditch.

    I'd like to know why the "magic" number of 68mph. Does that constitute speeding? In a 65mph zone, sure, but a 70 or 75mph limit?

    Of those crashes, how many were ACTUALLY CAUSED BY the trucker? I've seen so many car drivers pull out in front of a trucker, and nearly hit them. Has happened to me more than a few times. They (car drivers) weren't looking. Or the idiots that are impatient, and try to squeeze their econobox in between 2 trucks.

    The trucker get blamed, and get a "failure to control speed/vehicle" ticket, or what not, when they weren't the moron cutting them off and causing the accident in the first place.

    It can happen just as easily at 55, as it could at 70. A big truck isn't going to really feel a small compact anyways. Just a bump in the road most likely.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
    bmoeller , Jan 31, 2007
  5. Rudity23

    I don't think dangerous and retarded applies to the trucker in this case.
    Rudity23 , Jan 31, 2007
  6. Forrest Nearing

    no it applies to the trucker in the right lane...

    if the guy in the left lane had the power to pass, the road would be safer...

    you don't want to speed up to pass because fuel = money? well guess what, to me time = money, so you're getting passed on the right.

    I have a perfect driving record, how's yours?
    Forrest Nearing , Jan 31, 2007
  7. MCummings

    Whoa, starkmr. Not so quick to the judge and jury positions please.

    I think the problem lies with how easy it is to get your license, and how easy you are let off with major traffic violations.

    Go over seas to a country that is more economicly privledged, or equal to the United Statres, and you will see that getting your license is much more difficult than just taking a 5 minute test and a jump around the block.

    What if I speed? A ticket, and with a clean driving record, IF I'm over 25, the insurance will go up, otherwise, I'm maxxed out on insurance premiums anyway. Yay, 3-4 hours of my time at work.

    Run a redlight without an accident? Again, minimal monetary penalties.

    Change lanes without a blinker? Cut a corner to avoid a traffic light? Iproperly aimed headlights? Driving with High beams on? Abrupt stopping?... I could go on, and on.

    There are practicly no heavy fines or penalties, except for DWI or DUI, and even then. First time offenders are let off wayy to easy.

    68MPH tells me that the trucks are doing 70MPH, or atleast that's what they are reporting they are doing.

    I drive the speed limit, unless traffic is flowing faster, then I'm with them, OR whatever is a safe speed for my equipment.

    Don't forget road rage. Get the trucks driving to slow, and you will have accidents resulting from that, but not directly from creating a rolling roadblock. The 55/65 divisiuon allready does that enough.

    MCummings , Jan 31, 2007
  8. Jumbo Jet

    How are the truck statistics for California - 55 MPH?

    I just drove a few hundred miles in CA and there weren't very many doing 55 MPH.
    Jumbo Jet , Jan 31, 2007
  9. Forrest Nearing

    bless you! I bet you flash people clear when they pass too!

    I've got no problem with fleet owners putting speed limiters on their trucks, but keep the government out of it... it's already dangerous enough with a LOT of trucks being underpowered and driving too slow, but if ALL of them have to?! :( :( :(

    I'm not implying that I own the road... I will hold up a train of cars to let a big truck change lanes... I will flash them over if one passes me, etc.

    but limiting them to 68mph causes dangerous situations... people in cars will be impatient and will pass on the right and other dangerous things... it's human nature, and that's all there is to it. being able to accelerate is almost as important as being able to brake as far as safety is concerned IMO
    Forrest Nearing , Jan 31, 2007
  10. bmoeller

    Thanks, and yes I do, or talk to them on the radio.

    Well said.

    Thank you. Wish more did. There have been times when I've NEEDED to get over, but the cars keep coming, even if I have my signal on. #@$%! I've been forced to force people to change lanes before, and it REALLY makes me nervous to do so. Have to REALLY pay attention that THEY are paying attention to me and that they have somewhere to safely go. Absolute LAST resort.

    They do anyways... ... ... .

    ~750k clean miles here. :D
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
    bmoeller , Jan 31, 2007
  11. Forrest Nearing

    yup, they do anyways, and this proposed law has zero LOGIC behind it... it's knee-jerk and will cause more problems than it solves.

    that's a great driving record :cool:
    Forrest Nearing , Jan 31, 2007
  12. Oasis-3

    Driving Record

    My dad got his 1 million mile safe driving award and 2 weeks later rolled one over on black ice :{ he was ok but his pride was hurt.

    How will they be able to inforce this speed restriction? There is NO way I would let anyone do this to my truck. I got the 855 cubic inch Cummins so I can run when I want to and conditions are good, my speed O meter will run out of numbers real quick if I want it to. :-laf

    Oasis-3 , Jan 31, 2007
  13. Bob Cochran

    I just cannot understand how 68 can be a magic number to be safe. I can tell you I let truckers out when they need it, flash lights so they know they are clear in front of me etc. Now I typically drive at 60 or 65 with my combination, do I tick people off PROBABLY. Will I slow down when conditions warrant, HECK yes and make more people mad. As far as truckers changing lanes and noboby letting them when there turn signals are on, shame on you. I can remember riding with my brother years ago in Los Angles freeway and he would put on his turn signal and wait 10 seconds and if they would not let him in he just started moving over. Today we are both older and hopefully wiser and me or him don't do that kind of thing anymore. It is hard enough for a trucker to earn a living as it is. Restricting the speed to 68 will only make it worse. More problems with drivers on the road to many hours, multiple log books, etc. which worries me a lot more than then going over 68. Can you say Wow I had to brake hard to keep from hitting that pink elephant that jumped in front of me, or nodding off, etc. There is also a lack of experianced drives so is a whole lot of new drivers with limited experiance, god love them, and we have all been new once but they can be a hazard. Gosh some cannot even stay in there lane and it is not because they a sleepy either!!! Finally and I will shut up 68 is BS so it probably will be made law.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
    Bob Cochran , Jan 31, 2007
  14. RALLER

    [I drove for BRUCE MOTOR FREIGHT in the midwest, large company, long gone. I had the best safety record in the fleat. They told us that if you are going to be in an accident caused by someone else, make sure that you take a piece of them with you or its your accident. Well a drunk driver lined up on me and i couldnt get away from him. He was doing about 80 mph and got me head on. This was on a toll road, and he was on the wrong side. I was able to drop my speed to 45 mph, but i just couldnt get away from him. This was 39 years ago, and it still scares me to think about it. Now that i have been thinking of this, i will probaly not be able to sleep tonight. Took my front axel off, and my front bumper was folded back into the tires. i went upside down into an embankment, When i came to, the engine was running away, i couldnt see because i was bleading over my eyes. Had to find the fuel shut off and it got away from me 3 times before i got it shut down, i was all blody and week. It was a hard hit, broke all of the guage lense. The next day i was visited in the hospital by 2 insurance investigaters. That was when the insurance companys put out the order to cut off the front bumper wings. I was 5 months healing, still have back problems. BAD BOB
    RALLER , Feb 1, 2007

    speed limit 68MPH? NHTSA wants it.

    I've been reading some replies to this thread which indicate this proposal was instigated by the government. NOT true folks, the trucking industry itself is proposing this.

    "SUMMARY: NHTSA and FMCSA solicit comments on separate, but similar

    petitions for rulemaking from the American Trucking Associations (ATA)

    and Road Safe America and a group of nine motor carriers, to require
    devices that would limit the speed of certain trucks and to prohibit

    owners and operators from adjusting the speed limiting devices. "
    TRLRTRSH , Feb 1, 2007
  16. DBoggs

    I can't resist throwing in my . 02 cents worth.

    As I see it, the issue is the perception that trucks are causing accidents by speeding. Let's define speeding. Is it going over the posted speed limit? Most definitely! Is it going 45 mph in a 65 mph zone with 50ft visibility in fog or snow? Most likely.

    There are plenty of "truck drivers" out there that shouldn't hold a CDL and "speed" whether the limit is 75, 70, 65, 55, or slower. In all kinds of conditions. Putting a limiter on the truck and prohibiting the owner/operator from altering that limiter is not going to change a thing.

    It has been documented many times that the majority of the accidents involving big trucks are caused by cars and light trucks. Until some severe restrictions/penalties are put on them nothing will change.

    The fact is that because I drive a truck, I am automatically a criminal/terrorist/road hog/jerk, etc... simply because I drive a truck. And I'm always guilty even if it is obvious that I'm not. Even when I have done nothing other than occupy a lane on the road, legally and safely.

    The motoring public hates us and always will. Until that perception changes the limitations and restrictions on us will continue to get worse and worse.

    Now some might think I feel sorry for myself by saying this. That is not the case. I really don't care what people think of me, I know I'm a safe driver. No preventable accidents in over a million miles and the one wreck I was in was caused by, you guessed it, a CAR.

    I drive because I enjoy driving, the money is excellent, and I'm home every night. I don't try to impress anyone and I try to obey the laws. If this kind of restriction is implemented I will comply but not willingly. It does get frustrating and things like this would be a lot easier to deal with if it was across the board with all vehicles.

    Oh well, sorry for the long post, feel free to abuse me or my comments if needed, after all I'm a trucker. :-laf

    DBoggs , Feb 1, 2007
  17. bmoeller

    Thanks. :D Not even a speeding ticket. I'm sure I've deserved a few though. ;) :-laf Guess they weren't looking. :cool: :-laf

    Since when do the words government and logic go together? :rolleyes: Knee jerk does. As the quote in my sig says... ... .....
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
    bmoeller , Feb 1, 2007
  18. Forrest Nearing

    furthur evidence of your awareness behind the wheel! :D
    Forrest Nearing , Feb 1, 2007
  19. bmoeller

    A big radio helps, too. ;) :-laf I rarely go over the limit by 5mph. Although, in IL, they do let you run 63-65 on the interstate, even though it is posted 55mph.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
    bmoeller , Feb 1, 2007
  20. MacHaggis

    This strikes me as nonsense. There are outstanding drivers of all sorts, 4-wheel up to 18 and 22. Unfortunately, there are all too many folks (I won't call them drivers) under the wheels of all of these kinds of vehicles that haven't the sense to navigate a tricycle without tipping it over. And we all know them, we just never know where they are.

    Yes, I use my lights and/or my radio to help folks out changing lanes, and a fair number extend the same courtesies to me. But I'm always leary of giving somebody the "c'mon back" and then having the -hole behind them cut me off to go around them on the right. We've all seen it.

    But, I digress.

    To govern/limit the top speed is to take away an option that might save a life. When things go to hell, we have three options--slow down, speed up, and steer. In most cases I'll back down if I see a bad situation developing up ahead, but there have been any number of times, especially when the bad situation is developing around me, rather than ahead, that the safest way out for everyone is for me to drop a gear, punch it, and make room behind me that someone else can use to get out of a jam. How can it make sense to take away that option? If the companies want to monitor their drivers' speeds and reward them or whatever for keeping to the limits their policies may set, fine, but don't take away what may be the driver's only chance to avoid or prevent a collision.
    MacHaggis , Feb 1, 2007
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