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  1. Ltngdrvr

    On my way home with a Reflection 5th wheel, running down the interstate in Arkansas, when I felt a sudden jolt and heard a loud crash back behind me, and suddenly the trailer got real hard to tow.

    Well, you probably heard the reports on the news about the china rocket crashing to earth in the Indian ocean, those reports are quite a ways off. Below is an illustration of what actually happened. I took pictures but the FBI confiscated my phone with all the pics...


    Ltngdrvr , May 9, 2021
  2. GCroyle

    Only part I’m having trouble with is the hard to tow.

    Load the wagon, don’t worry about the mule.
    GCroyle , May 9, 2021
    Wiredawg and nukegm like this.
  3. Ltngdrvr

    Rocket made it real heavy, and it kept hitting trees along the road.

    The company is going to want me to pay the insurance deductible, going to have to find out who the insurance company is for china so I can get my money back...o_O
    Ltngdrvr , May 9, 2021
  4. gsbrockman

    After you make your 2nd Million Dollars towing RV’s, perhaps you could get a job as a courtroom sketch artist. The above rendition is actually quite good, although it might have looked better with a couple of power lines, phone lines, and stop lights dangling from said rocket. :p
    gsbrockman , May 9, 2021
  5. Newsa

    Hard to tow, yet not impossible. Reminds me of s commercial with a Toyota tundra pulling a space shuttle. Lol
    Newsa , May 9, 2021
    mwilson, bcbender, Topzide and 2 others like this.
  6. C M McCormick TDR MEMBER

    I hate when that happens, lol..
    C M McCormick , May 10, 2021
  7. seafish

    seafish , May 10, 2021
  8. CBari

    The hard to tow and the load crash was nothing other than your frame cracking due to the fine roads we have in Arkansas
    CBari , May 10, 2021
    firefighter_2000 likes this.
  9. Ltngdrvr

    You know, I sent this illustration to our terminal manager, and she hated it, didn't think it was funny at all!

    Some people just don't have any sense of humor...:(
    Ltngdrvr , May 10, 2021
    DonFitzwater and nukegm like this.
  10. MRoberts

    Bet I can guess who she voted for!
    MRoberts , May 18, 2021
    DonFitzwater and nukegm like this.
  11. GBBrown

    “Guess what happened this morning”…I thought you may have trusted a fart.
    GBBrown , May 18, 2021
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