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  1. EOliver

    Do we need to be concerned about erosion with our Cummmins engines? I was doing some reading on the Phord Diesel boards and saw quite a post on the subject of S. C. A. 's. I have heard that the Navistar motor used in Phords has a problem with erosion in the liners. They were also talking alot about different types of coolant, Evans "waterless" Coolant was a big topic. Is anyone adding S. C. A. 's to their cooling system and is anyone using Evans or some other special coolant for extra protection in their Cummins?


    Eric O.
    EOliver , Sep 26, 2001
  2. Gary - K7GLD

    The Cummins does NOT need anti-cavitation additives due to method of design and construction - NOR does Cummins Co. recommend their use...

    And NO. Ford doesn't own Cummins either... ;) :D

    Just figured I'd toss that one in as well for the newbies and grossly uninformed... ;) :D :p
    Gary - K7GLD , Sep 26, 2001
  3. EOliver

    I didn't think we needed that junk... I just ran across a website Diesel Products that had Fleetguard S. C. A. on there. It got me wondering if we were supposed to use this stuff. Since I won't have to worry about that now... back to bombing! Sure glad I don't have one of those Navijunk's! :D ;)


    Eric O.

    And yes Ford does NOT own Cummins..... THANK GOD FOR THAT
    EOliver , Sep 26, 2001
  4. illflem

    I've been using SCA's for years, my choice is Nalcool 2000 once a year to replace the lost cavitation and corrosion properties of antifreeze. With this system there is no need to change the antifreeze, I have a JD tractor with over 12 years on the same antifreeze, my Dodges have the factory antifreeze, 6 years. This is the system many over the road trucks use,works for me.
    illflem , Sep 26, 2001
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