1. slowmover

    My DIL confirms this reality.

    IMG_5799.jpeg #ad
    brucejohnson and Cummins12V98 like this.
  2. slowmover

    IMG_5599.jpeg #ad
    brucejohnson and promisedland like this.
  3. slowmover

    brucejohnson likes this.
  4. NIsaacs

  5. petersonj TDR MEMBER

    I don't fight it anymore - I just usually say, "Bring me both of them, I will pick the one I want".

    - John
    brucejohnson, Topzide and NIsaacs like this.
  6. Topzide TDR MEMBER

    Sad state of affairs! They're just reading off the screen and most don't have any automotive knowledge. It's the same when calling a customer service, they read off the screen also. I've told a many of the CS agents to just listen and stop reading what' on the screen. Save a lot of time by getting to the proper dept or agent. Just what I've encountered.
    NIsaacs and brucejohnson like this.
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