1. SAndreasen

    IMG_6700.jpeg Had anyone ever gotten the sunglasses ? I’ve gotten popcorn and lots of stickers
    SAndreasen , Jun 15, 2024
    BLK-9 and Timd32 like this.
  2. NIsaacs

    I got this same sticker and sun glasses as Tim did, on my last order. Just a few days ago. Maybe the sun glasses require a certain order size? I spent $212.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2024
    NIsaacs , Jun 15, 2024
    Timd32 likes this.
  3. SAndreasen

    I got the same sticker . I need to order fuel filters as well 65$ for the last one I got locally. I spent just under 400$ this time . Still not sure how you can call it second day air freight when it takes 4 days to ship but ok I guess . Maybe one day I’ll get the glasses
    SAndreasen , Jun 15, 2024
    Timd32 likes this.
  4. Timd32 TDR MEMBER

    Yep came with the filters on my last box of a many month shipment, I figured just order the long lead items and have them here, some were like 3 months back ordered.

    I forget the total, but it was a bunch of stuff, filters, some tools, even some injectors and fuel lines for the 2nd Gen we been pecking away getting that one ready to roll out of the garage, but still a ways away from making smoke again on that one.
    Timd32 , Jun 15, 2024

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