1. Rowdy Dalton

    I've been around for a while and have seen old timers, in the 70s and 80s, clean carbon build-up from the cylinders, pistons, and valves. I have seen it on gas engines, and have heard they did this regularly on Diesel engines.
    Basically, you have a pint to a quart of distilled water, take the air cleaner off. Then, while someone revs the engine to a speed where it won't die, you squirt the water into the intake. The steam will beak up the deposits.
    They also say to disconnect the exhaust, just before the catalytic converter, so the carbon particles don't clog it up.
    Anyone here do this, or seen it done on their diesels? I know the older Leaded gas vehicles, and the older Diesels would burn pretty dirty causing buildup, and knocking, necessitating this.
    Rowdy Dalton , Jun 1, 2024
  2. Topzide TDR MEMBER

    Can't say that I've heard of that one, but do know that there was a walnut blaster used to take the carbon off of valves and pistons. Not sure how I'd feel letting some water get in knowing it could bend a rod! Seen plenty of blown and bent rods from guys taking their Toyota trucks 4 wheeling and sucking some water! Best were the brand new trucks and they were claiming warranty! Not when there's mud in the air intake box and hoses! Those were the days. Isn't there a fuel additive that could do this?
    Topzide , Jun 1, 2024
  3. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    I wouldn’t suggest anything like what you’re talking about. My “older diesel” 12-valve had 550K miles on it when I sold it. The head had never been off and I never “cleaned carbon buildup from the cylinders.” You’re 3rd Gen should run cleaner than it.
    BigPapa , Jun 1, 2024
    Michaelsloft likes this.
  4. slowmover

  5. Crunch

    Or you can do it like the really old timers did it: Hitch up a heavy load and tow it for a few hundred miles at highway speeds with the temperature slightly above 200* for as long as possible. That's probably the best and easiest way to clean carbon off, i.e. burn it to ash.
    Crunch , Jun 1, 2024
  6. Rowdy Dalton

    Oh, I'm not trying it. I just thought it was interesting, and wondered if anyone here has done this.
    When I was a kid, to clear out crud, we sprayed Berryman into the Carburetor, to clean the crud out of the intake, carb, and cylinders, while keeping the engine revved. I remember the huge plume of white smoke it would make. No telling what toxins were in that cloud.
    Rowdy Dalton , Jun 2, 2024
    brucejohnson and 06 Dodge like this.

    We have a walnut blaster and use it all the time on our Volkswagens, works great.
    TRAMPLINEMAN , Jun 2, 2024
  8. Rowdy Dalton

    But, you can't do that while the engine is running. At least not for long.

    Rowdy Dalton , Jun 2, 2024
  9. Ozymandias TDR MEMBER

    Actually we used brake fluid in the same way for this with good results.
    Everytime a gas vehicle had a problem with SMOG testing this was done and the results were always great, passed SMOG afterwards.

    Old used brake fluid of course...
    Ozymandias , Jun 2, 2024
    Rowdy Dalton likes this.
  10. slowmover

    50-75k miles. Compression test.

    Old type “shapely” Coke bottle. Thumb over end to dribble starting at 1500-rpm. Distilled plus work the throttle linkage.

    After Italian Tune-up (a few runs to 100-MPH after 20-mile warm-up).

    Piston soak overnight (blow out cylinders next morning). Take for a drive (mosquito killer cloud; took 15-20/miles with some easy highway miles. No romps. Zero smoke before finish).

    New sparkplugs with barely tighter gap. Rebuild carburetor. Remove intake manifold and run motorcycle chain thru crossover. New manifold and valve cover gaskets. Ck lifters. Finish major tune-up with new wires. Rebuild distributor.

    Change engine oil & filter. New air filter & PCV. New fuel filter as part of rebuild. New soft fuel line.

    Re-check compression. Will need less total advance but more initial than factory.

    Adjust carb with A/C engaged, in gear, to highest vacuum and slightest lean roll.

    Sure don’t miss all that.

    Schaeffers Carbon Treat will do what needs doing on a CR. Double dose first time. Use as directed afterwards.

    slowmover , Jun 2, 2024
    Michaelsloft likes this.

    TRAMPLINEMAN , Jun 3, 2024
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