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  1. SAndreasen

    Does the wheel seal fit flush in the hub or does it set in a little deeper ? Working on a 1990 axle out of w350 . Does anyone have a part number for the speedi sleeve for the axle it has a big groove in it
    SAndreasen , Jun 22, 2021
  2. NIsaacs

  3. DavidC

    Seal sits flush
    DavidC , Jun 23, 2021
    IH8CALI likes this.
  4. SAndreasen

    Maybe I can drive it in a little deeper ant miss the grrove ?
    SAndreasen , Jun 23, 2021
  5. SAndreasen

    SAndreasen , Jun 23, 2021
  6. sdeeter19555

    What I used recently on my w250...

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    sdeeter19555 , Oct 17, 2021
Similar Threads - Wheel seal installation Forum Date
Rear Wheel Seal Leaks 1st Generation Ram Forum (1989 - 1993) Archive Sep 23, 2003
Rear Wheel Seal 1st Generation Ram Forum (1989 - 1993) Archive Apr 1, 2003
Wheel seals again 1st Generation Ram Forum (1989 - 1993) Archive Jun 29, 2021
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