Pretty cool!
    SnoKing , Feb 9, 2021
    Wiredawg likes this.
  2. Larry Willard TDR MEMBER

    They flew over our campground just prior to the Super bowl flyover. Very low and slow. Stunning!
    Larry Willard , Feb 10, 2021
    Wiredawg likes this.
  3. DavidC

    I questioned that the covid vaccine did not go through all testing and someone on here told me I was wrong, not according to this tho.

    About a third of troops have turned down the COVID-19 vaccine

    The Defense Department has been reluctant to publicly announce how many troops have received a COVID-19 vaccination and how many have refused to get it, but senior Pentagon officials came prepared for questions to a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday.

    Of about 916,000 doses administered to DoD personnel, 359,000 have received at least one dose, and 147,000 are fully vaccinated, according to Bob Salesses, who is performing the duties of assistant defense secretary for homeland defense and global security.

    About a third of those offered the vaccine have turned it down, according to Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro, the Joint Staff’s vice director for operations.
    That’s worrying to lawmakers.

    “With new variants popping up across the globe, I’m not sure we can wait two years,” for full Food and Drug Administration approval, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., said. “It’s critical for our national security that every service member, as well as DoD civilian personnel and contractors, receive vaccines as soon as possible.”

    Previously, the Pentagon had declined to detail how many troops had received vaccines and the overall take rate. A defense official told Military Times in early February that DoD’s general counsel made that call.

    Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are under an emergency use authorization, which means they haven’t completed all of the multiple rounds of rigorous testing required before the FDA clears them.
    Because it is federal law, department policy is that a vaccine under that authorization won’t be mandatory, though service members are required to receive myriad other inoculations in order to serve.

    The suspicion among service members closely mirrors that of the general U.S. public, according to a recent poll from the Associated Press.

    “What we’re seeing right now is similar to what we’re seeing across the entire United States, in that there’s ... a higher percentage of people who are older who are opting to have the vaccine, and it trends down with age,”
    DavidC , Feb 17, 2021
  4. DHayden

    I have had 4 of 25 DoD civilians accept the vaccination. One is 66, one is 72 (and been out a week afterwards) one that is 44 and diabetic, one 41 that is diabetic.
    DHayden , Feb 17, 2021
  5. Wiredawg

    Wow, when I was active duty, taking immunizations wasn't optional. Compliance was reported to your commander.
    Wiredawg , Feb 17, 2021
    IH8CALI, HPSimpson and brucejohnson like this.
  6. brucejohnson TDR MEMBER

    And you didn't get to go on an all expenses paid vacation to some far off unique locale full of fun (relative term) things to do. ;) A couple of us did some mooing under our breath while in a line where they were poking needles in both arms as you passed a point...just 'cause we could...and keep the spirits up at 2 a.m.. Mobility bag!!?? What mobility bag? Oh, yes sir! Not a drill...oops... It's in the trunk of my car, that my wife has at home. (ring-ring) How fast can you bring the car down here sweetie-pie?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
    brucejohnson , Feb 17, 2021
    HPSimpson and Wiredawg like this.
  7. DavidC

    I did not know this part either
    Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are under an emergency use authorization, which means they haven’t completed all of the multiple rounds of rigorous testing required before the FDA clears them.
    Because it is federal law, department policy is that a vaccine under that authorization won’t be mandatory, though service members are required to receive myriad other inoculations in order to serve. End Quote.

    Sad part is they were interviewing a Doctor on the news and he stated "This Covid will be around for the rest of our lives. Yearly booster shots may be required". Now doesn't that light up your day.
    DavidC , Feb 17, 2021
    HPSimpson, brucejohnson and Wiredawg like this.
  8. Wiredawg

    I agree and also worried about super bugs that there won't be a vaccine for. And with world travel, doesn't take long to spread everywhere.

    Be careful and stay warm. Cheers, Ron
    Wiredawg , Feb 17, 2021
    HPSimpson, DavidC and brucejohnson like this.
  9. brucejohnson TDR MEMBER

    Here is some interesting reading on the subject to put it into perspective.
    brucejohnson , Feb 17, 2021
    DavidC likes this.
  10. HPSimpson TDR MEMBER

    Wow just wait until next premonition cycle you won't be going up, until you get your shots or being discharge pronto, send over to foreign assignment not temporary your new home Thule Greenland!;)
    HPSimpson , Feb 17, 2021
    DavidC and brucejohnson like this.
  11. HPSimpson TDR MEMBER

    Common knowledge you should read up all three haven't got approval, I had two of Moderna am I more safe who really knows, still makes I feel better about the shots. :D
    HPSimpson , Feb 17, 2021
    DavidC and brucejohnson like this.
  12. brucejohnson TDR MEMBER

    Yep. Just like "all" the flu shots. You get the vaccination for the most current and prevalent strain "predicted" for the particular season. Covid 19 strain WAS somewhat stable, but NOW there are other variations of Covid 19 that have been detected. HOPEFULLY the current vaccination MAY reduce the effects of these new strains that have been detected. Life's challenges continue...
    brucejohnson , Feb 17, 2021
    Wiredawg, HPSimpson and DavidC like this.
  13. HPSimpson TDR MEMBER

    Just think about this each year you get a flu shot, and now each year you get either Moderna or Pfizer!:p:D
    HPSimpson , Feb 18, 2021
    Wiredawg, brucejohnson and DavidC like this.
  14. SnoKing TDR MEMBER

    Without a flu shot many get the flu. Without Moderna or Pfizer many get coronavirus. I will take the shots just like my annual flu shot.
    SnoKing , Feb 19, 2021
    Wiredawg likes this.
  15. SnoKing TDR MEMBER

    SnoKing , Jun 13, 2021
    endoscott and brucejohnson like this.
  16. DavidC

    Great video Sno
    DavidC , Jun 14, 2021
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