1. Minnow101

    Do you know your blood type? There is some evidence that Type “O” people have sone immunity to this.
    Minnow101 , Jan 28, 2021

    I'm glad. Wishing her a speedy recovery and your continued health.
    GAmes , Jan 28, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
  3. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    Mine is A-
    BigPapa , Jan 28, 2021
  4. BoeingDiesel

    Scott, that is fantastic news!
    The hospital released my Mom of 93 several days ago and she sounded pretty rough for a couple days but now getting back to herself. Told her i was going to fire up the kcab and come see her..."you stay away from me young man, I'm not out of the woods yet" Okay young man of 72 out.:D
    BoeingDiesel , Jan 28, 2021
    Jim W, MConyers, JR and 8 others like this.

    Praying for y'all. Hope her recovery is quick.

    Nasty stuff, all 5 of us in the shop just got it within a few days of each other. I feel like my case was mild but some of the other guys and their wives had it much worse.
    CAROLINA CUMMINS , Jan 29, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
  6. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    They’ve cut the Vapotherm back to 40% and her O2 level was 96 the last time I talked to her. Hopefully she’ll be released Saturday or Sunday. They said she’d have to be on oxygen for a while at home. I talked to her this morning and she sounded great.

    Thanks for all the prayers, fellows. God is good!
    BigPapa , Jan 30, 2021
  7. DonFitzwater

    That’s great news BigPapa!
    DonFitzwater , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa and Wiredawg like this.
  8. EDankievitch TDR MEMBER

    Great to hear. Prayers work
    EDankievitch , Jan 30, 2021
  9. endoscott

    So glad to hear she is doing well! That's a tough ordeal.
    endoscott , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa and Wiredawg like this.
  10. GCroyle


    SCRAMBLE and get the home all cleaned up! That's great news to start a chilly but sunny Saturday with.

    GCroyle , Jan 30, 2021
    brucejohnson, BigPapa and Wiredawg like this.
  11. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    How’d you know what I’m doing today? It’s not bad, I’m kind of a “neat freak” when it comes to the house.
    BigPapa , Jan 30, 2021
    brucejohnson and BSeyler like this.
  12. Dl5treez

    Good news to hear, prayers still being sent.
    Dl5treez , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa and brucejohnson like this.
  13. mwilson TDR MEMBER

    Great news Scott!!! Thanks for letting us know..
    mwilson , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
  14. Whitewolf

    So wonderful to hear! The power of prayer!
    Whitewolf , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa and brucejohnson like this.
  15. HPSimpson TDR MEMBER

    Glad to hear Scott that your wife is getting better, thanks for the update!
    HPSimpson , Jan 30, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
  16. BigPapa TDR MEMBER

    Well, me and our daughter went and picked her up about 5:30. We’re all so glad she’s home. Now to get her rested and her body back to making energy as it should.

    Thank you all for your prayers and support. I’m proud to be part of the TDR brotherhood.
    BigPapa , Jan 31, 2021
    Bill Lins, DHayden, Dl5treez and 8 others like this.
  17. Wiredawg

    Wonderful News! Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

    Cheers, Ron
    Wiredawg , Jan 31, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.

    Terrific news!
    AH64ID , Jan 31, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
  19. Wayne M.

    Thanks for the update. Prayer works!
    Wayne M. , Jan 31, 2021
    BigPapa and brucejohnson like this.
  20. brucejohnson TDR MEMBER

    Outstanding news Scott! Prayers continuing for a complete recovery.
    brucejohnson , Jan 31, 2021
    BigPapa likes this.
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